In 2017 in Poland, cucumber was one of the most important
field vegetables cultivated on 13 892 ha and with 2 490 988 tons
of production [1]. Cucumber has been grown in Poland since
several centuries, however only since 1985 downy mildew as its
new disease appears seasonally causing a serious menace to field
plantations [2]. First signs of disease infection have usually been
detected in the south-eastern regions of Poland at the end of June
or in July and then downy mildew spreads to nearly regions in 3-5
weeks depending on weather conditions [3]. Actually, protection
against this disease is based on cucumber resistant varieties and
sprayings with several fungicides [4]. One of them is Infinito 687,5
SC being a mixture of fluopicolide and propamocarb hydrochloride
[5]. The aim of this study was evaluation of Infinito 687,5 SC
fungicide usefulness in control of downy mildew in cucumber field
cultivation in central-eastern region of Poland.
The experiment was carried out on a field located in Łomazy
village (51°54’N; 23°10’E) in 2016. The soil was a sandy clay loam
containing 2.9% of organic matter and of 6.9pH (KCl). On May 22th
the seeds of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) ‘Julian F1’ were seeded
at the rate of 3kg∙ha-1 on two 10m x 4m plots in four rows with 1 m
distance between rows. One row was considered as one replicate of
area and split plot was the experimental design. Cucumbers
grown on one plot were not protected against downy mildew
(Pseudoperonospora cubensis (Berkeley & Curtis) Rostovzev) and
cucumbers grown on the second plot were sprayed three times with Infinito 687,5 SC (625g propamocarb hydrochloride + 62.5g
fluopicolide in 1 l of product). First spraying using 1.6 l of Infinito
687,5 SC mixed with 700 l of water∙ha-1 was affected on July 12th
after observing first disease symptoms. Afterwards, two succeeding
sprayings were realized retaining 10 days interval between
treatments. Starting on July 16th, cucumber fruits were picked every
3 days till September 5th. On August 5th, residues of propamocarb
and fluopicolide in fresh cucumber fruits were determined. Five
days later, when cucumbers were in full vegetation several plant
growth parameters and content of some compounds in cucumber
fruits were measured. Percent of cucumber leaf area affected with
powdery mildew was evaluated on August 17th.
Protected cucumber plants developed longer shoots, bigger
leaves and produced significantly higher total and marketable
fruit yield in comparison to control plants (Table 1). Spraying
with fungicide did not affect the length, diameter and weight of
cucumber fruits. It did not affect also the content of dry matter,
total sugars, vitamin C and chlorophyll A and B (Table 2). However,
the fruits produced by protected plants contained nitrates and
nitrites significantly more than control ones. On August 17th, 32%
of leaf area of control plants was affected with downy mildew in
comparison to 3% on plants treated with fungicide. Propamocarb
and fluopicolide residues determined in cucumber fresh fruits four
days after last spraying were lower than 0.002 mg∙kg-1 limit of their
Table 1: Effect of spraying with Infinito 687,5 SC on plant growth parameters and fruit yield.
Table 2: Effect of spraying with Infinito 687,5 SC on content of some compounds in fruits.