The article considers the problem of piezometric head redistribution when water intake is performed from the elastic aquifer
through flowing wells. By using dimension theory and the method of least squares, we process the simulation results got from the
simulation studies of flowing wells on the constant grid mathematical model and develop approximate formula for determining
the pressure drawdown at any point of the suggested aquifer. Its checkup with the data of simulation and field studies has shown a
satisfactory result.
The rate of flowing wells, as well as their head in them gradually
decreases over time. Thus, for hydrological calculations there
have been not accepted the Theis and Jacob’s formulas derived
respectively for the wells that work at constant rate or with constant
pressure in the well [1]. The authors in the work [2] suggest the
design formula for determining the pressure drawdown in the
elastic aquifer at pumping water out through flowing wells. Though,
this formula for engineering use is a kind of uncomfortable, thus,
herein we suggest though approximate but comparatively simple
kind of the design formula.
The mentioned work [2] suggests graph dependency between
dimensionless complexes and (Figure 1),
at the processing of the results of simulation studies of flowing
wells on the grid mathematical model of hydro integrator type
[3,4]. Herein are marked: – well rate, – filtration coefficient
of aquifer, m–its thickness, S–piezometric head drawdown at
distancer from the well, piezo conductivity of the aquifer,
µ* - elastic yield coefficient.
The function curve in Figure 1 has well-expressed hyperbolic
shape. Let us proxy it by the formula:
a and b are constant coefficients which we will define with the
help of the method of least squares.
By taking the logarithm of the equation (1), we get
According to the method of least squares, the coefficients a
and b will have good value if the sum of squared deviations is
minimal, i.e.
where N – the number of calculated values of dimensionless
complexes or number of dots put on the graph in Figure 1
Considering the terms of function extremum f ( a ,b), we will get
the following equations:
Figure 1: Graph dependency between Q* and τ
After elementary transformations, these equations will get the
To determine the coefficient a , from the equation (6) we will
From the equations (7) and (8), to determine the value of
coefficient b, we will get the following dependency:
The values of the calculated sums of the dimensionless
complexes and their products, owned from the work [5-7], are as
where N= 151
By inserting these values in the equations (9) and (8), for the
coefficients b and a we will get:
Then the equation (1) will get the following form:
By replacing X and Y with the values of dimensionless
complexes, after some transformations, to determine the pressure
drawdown at any point of the aquifer, at any time, we will get the
approximate formula in its final form:
The formula checkup with the data of simulation and field
studies in fact has shown a satisfactory result.