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ISSN: 2637-4676

Current Investigations in Agriculture and Current Research

Review Article(ISSN: 2637-4676)

Retooling Agricultural Policies and Programmes for Sustainable Development in Nigeria

Volume 2- Issue 1

Kingsley Akarowhe*

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    • Department of Educational Foundations, University of Uyo, Nigeria

    *Corresponding author: Kingsley Akarowhe, Department of Educational Foundations, University of Uyo, Nigeria

Received: April 04, 2018;   Published: April 16, 2018

DOI: 10.32474/CIACR.2018.02.000129

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Nigeria is one of the developing countries of the world that is blessed with numerous natural resources and fertile arable land for sustainable agriculture, to counter for its increasing population. As a result of global economic downturn, there is a rising needs of Nigeria government to raise the standard of living her citizen through intensive commitment to agricultural programmes and policies. Over the years, as t Nigeria government initiated most of its agric policies and programmes, there tend to be a wide gap on the expected success of these agricultural programmes and polices; and its impacts on the citizens. The forgoing challenges have continued over time without solution. It is on this note that this researcher find it deem fit to investigate the challenges facing agricultural policies and agricultural programmes in the paces of sustainable development in Nigeria. The paper explains the meaning of the core concepts: agriculture; agricultural policies; and programmes; roles of agricultural policies/programmes; and challenges facing agric policies/programmes. The paper also went further in mapping out ways of retooling agric policies/ programmes for it to yield their objectives/goals. It was recommended among other that the government of Nigeria should ensure adequate financial backing of agricultural programmes and policies which will assist by ensuring these agric related programmes are not hampered in the actualization of their targeted objectives.

Keywords: Agricultural policies; Agricultural programmes, Sustainable development Challenges; Retooling

Abstract| Introduction| Materials and Method| Self –Sufficient| Social Economy| Foreign Exchange| Dual Collaboration| On-going Challenges Facing Agricultural Policies and Programmes| Retooling Agricultural Policies and Programmes for Sustainable Development| Conclusion and Recommendations| References|