Prospect of Developing Soil Health Index in Bangladesh
Volume 6 - Issue 2
Sadiq MS1*, Singh IP2, Ahmad MM3, Lawal M4 and Kabeer YM1
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- 1Krishi Gobeshona Foundation, BARC Complex, Bangladesh
- 2Bangladesh Rice Research Institute, Bangladesh
- 3Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Bangladesh
- 4Indian Agriculture Research Institute, India
- 5Nature Inspired Computational Intelligence, (ECSE), UOIT, Canada
*Corresponding author:
Jatish C Biswas, Krishi Gobeshona Foundation, BARC Complex, Farmgate, Dhaka; Bangladesh
Received: January 23, 2019; Published:February 04, 2019
DOI: 10.32474/CIACR.2019.06.000234
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National economy of Bangladesh yet highly depends on agricultural development. The country has to produce foods for its everincreasing
population from limited cultivable areas even from unfavorable ecosystems. Food demand has compelled the farmers
to grow two to four crops in a year with and without balanced fertilizers and thus soil health has deteriorated. Soils of many parts
of the country are deficient in essential macro- or micro-nutrients viz. potassium, zinc, boron, sulphur, and molybdenum. Different
national research institutes have analyzed most representative soils of the country but no soil quality index (SQI) is available.
The SQI needs to be developed on the basis of primary soil physical, chemical and biological attributes. These indices will help to
classify soil capability to plan for sustainable agri-management strategies in terms of water and fertilizers management, adoption of
appropriate tillage practices, residue and solid waste management. The development of pedo-transfer functions for characterizing
soil moisture and soil nutrients characteristics are important for its subsequent use. There is also need to develop soil managers
for handling problem soils in terms of crop choices and land resources management. Existing literature in Bangladesh is enough to
develop SQI for subsequently relating with the resources and inputs management, crop simulation models for land use planning,
inputs and resource management, yield estimates, climate change and environmental impact assessment. In the present article we
have tried to link SQI for operational advisory service to the farmers for maximizing profits and also to ensure the environmental
safety and sustainable soil health.
Keywords: Pedo-Transfer Functions; Decision Support System; Water and Nutrients Availability; Soil Managers; Cloud Computing;
Machine Learning; Soil Information System