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ISSN: 2637-4676

Current Investigations in Agriculture and Current Research

Mini Review(ISSN: 2637-4676)

Modern Tools and Techniques for Diagnosis and Prognosis of Salt Affected Soils and Poor- Quality Waters

Volume 2- Issue 5

AK Mandal*

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    • ICAR-Central Soil Salinity Research Institute (CSSRI), India

    *Corresponding author: AK Mandal, ICAR-Central Soil Salinity Research Institute (CSSRI), India

Received: May 10, 2018;   Published: May 23, 2018

DOI: 10.32474/CIACR.2018.02.000149

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Soil salinity and brackish ground water are primary concerns for reduced productivity in the arid and semiarid regions of the World covering 953 million ha of land [1]. In India, it occupied 2% of the TGA and is distributed in fifteen states that covered Genetic plain, central arid and semiarid regions, southern peninsular plain and coastal areas [2]. Transportation and deposition of salts at the lower topographic zones are primary processes controlling genesis and distribution of salty soils in the Genetic plain besides high evaporation in arid zone, salty parent materials and brackish ground use in peninsular plain and inundation of saline sea water in coastal areas are other soil salinization processes [3]. Factors of anthropogenic origin include the use of salty ground water and canal water for irrigation in poorly drained soils of arid and semiarid regions that caused the emergences of water logging, salinization and losses of soil/crop productivity [4,5].

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