Market Acceptability of Mykovam among Coconut
Farmers In San Pablo City, Laguna
Volume 7 - Issue 4
Gabriel Mikhail M Gonzales1* and Bates M Bathan2
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- 1B.S. Agricultural Economics Graduate University of the Philippines Los Baños, Philippines
- 2Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics, College of Economics and Management, University of the Philippines Los Baños, Philippines
*Corresponding author:
Gabriel Mikhail M Gonzales, B.S. Agricultural Economics Graduate, University of the Philippines Los Baños,
Received: August 20, 2019; Published: September 04, 2019
DOI: 10.32474/CIACR.2019.07.000266
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The study analyzed the market acceptability of Mykovam, a biofertilizer developed by UPLB BIOTECH, among coconut farmers
in San Pablo City, Laguna. It determined the coconut farmer’s level of knowledge of organic and chemical fertilizers and the level
of acceptability on Mykovam and its attributes. Using multistage sampling, 83 coconut farmers were randomly selected from 15
barangays. Descriptive analysis and Likert scale rating analysis were used in the study. Results showed that more respondents were
moderately and extremely knowledgeable on organic fertilizers than of chemical fertilizers. The seven Mykovam attributes, namely
price, materials used, smell, packaging, label, ease of application and amount of application and its overall acceptability were found
to be acceptable. The study recommended the improvement of the knowledge dissemination program of DA-PCA and improved
promotion of Mykovam by UPLB-BIOTECH.
Keywords: Market acceptability; Biofertilizer; Coconut
Research Methodology|
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Results and Discussion|
Conclusion and Recommendations|