Dimethyl ether as Zero Emission Fuel-Synergies
with Biogas and Biomass Plants
Volume 3- Issue 3
Johann Gruber Schmidt*
Received: June 15, 2018; Published: July 03, 2018
DOI: 10.32474/CIACR.2018.03.000165
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In Iceland a methanol plant named in honour of the noble prize
laureate [1] operating since 2011. As substrate they use carbon
dioxide and hydrogen producing methanol. Methanol is the simplest
alcohol and well know since the developments of Paul Sabatier and
the catalysis processes [2], in liquid phase at environment pressure
and temperature, and is a synthetic alcohol. In the Georg Olah Plant
[3] carbon dioxide and hydrogen are mixed 1mol:3mol together to
form a syngas, being compressed and transformed under the help
of catalysts to methanol (methanol synthesis).