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ISSN: 2637-4676

Current Investigations in Agriculture and Current Research

Research Article(ISSN: 2637-4676)

Consumer Perception of Gm Foods. Profiles of Potential Consumers and Non-Consumers in Spain

Volume 7 - Issue 3

África Martínez-Poveda*, Margarita Brugarolas Mollá-Bauzá, Francisco José del Campo Gomis, Laura Martínez Carrasco Martínez and Asunción Agulló Torres

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    • Department of Agro-environmental Economics, Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche (Spain), Spain

    *Corresponding author: África Martínez Poveda, Department of Department of Agro-environmental Economics, Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche (Spain), Spain

Received: August 01, 2019;   Published: August 09, 2019

DOI: 10.32474/CIACR.2019.07.000263

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The new production techniques to produce novel food have generated satisfaction among producers, but also a degree of uncertainty among consumers concerned particularly about effects on their health. The purpose of this paper is to study the perception and acceptance of genetically modified food by consumers in Spain. The objectives are summarized as follows
(i) to discover the knowledge that Spanish consumers possess about such food and the information relating to,
(ii) to identify the factors that influence its acceptance. The population was segmented by using different descriptive and functional variables to determine potential future consumers with the aim of establishing strategies to improve consumer acceptance of this food.
To improve acceptance and induce willingness to consume GM food, revision of the information offered is advisable so that knowledge of the benefits from production and consumption would reach the consumer, and not only the disadvantages. That way the consumer could make a consistent, responsible choice about consumption.

Keywords: Genetically modified food, consumers’ acceptance, factorial analysis, segmentation, Spain

Abstract| Introduction| Methodology| Results and Discussion| Characterization of the Total Population| Characterization of Consumer Segments Depending on the Probability of GM Food Consumption or Non-Consumption| Conclusion| References|