Conservation of Millet genetic Diversity in Eastern ghat
High lands of Odisha
Volume 9 - Issue 3
Biswa Sankar Das*
- Programme Officer, Odisha Millet Mission, Watershed Support Service & Activities Network, India
Received: April 27, 2021; Published: May 27, 2021
Corresponding author: Biswa Sankar Das, Programme Officer, Odisha Millet Mission, Watershed Support Service & Activities
Network, India
DOI: 10.32474/CIACR.2021.09.000318
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A total of 111no.of Germplasm of Millets with code no’s have been assembled through formal process of Collaborative programme
experimented from 2017 -2020 Cropping season. The Germplasm has been evaluated for various Agronomic traits (biotic, abiotic,
grain quality, etc.). The organisation, Watershed Support service & Activities Network (Wassan) with Odisha Millet Mission Project
holds 111no.of Millet Germplasm collection with 108 no. of indigenous and 3 no. of rare types having information on important
trait specific characters from the communities, community managed seed bank. The Present Paper highlights the assessment of
Millet diversity assembled and conserved under Odisha Millet Mission Project & thrust areas identified for future conservation and
Keywords:Collection & Conservation; Evaluation: Future thrust; Introduction; Millets; Community seed bank: Trait specific
Materials And Methods|
Results And Discussion|
Diversity Assembled under collaborative collection
Pearl Millet ( Pennisetum glaucum )|
Germplasm registration and utilization|
Conclusion and Future Thrusts|