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ISSN: 2637-4676

Current Investigations in Agriculture and Current Research

Review Article(ISSN: 2637-4676)

Application of Low Temperature Plasma Technology in Crop Seeds

Volume 8 - Issue 4

Bo Zhang*

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    • Changzhou Vocational Institute of Mechatronic Technology, Changzhou, China

    *Corresponding author:Bo Zhang, Changzhou Vocational Institute of Mechatronic Technology, Changzhou 213164, PR China

Received:March 20, 2020;   Published: June 18, 2020

DOI: 10.32474/CIACR.2020.08.000295

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Low-temperature plasma seed activation, as a new internationally developed agricultural technology, can stimulate seed vitality, improve seed quality, effectively enhance crop resistance to stress and growth, and increase crop yield. The innovative development of low-temperature plasma seed treatment technology is briefly introduced, the technical application of plasma technology in crop seeds, the biological effects of plasma and the activation mechanism are introduced, and the development and application prospects of plasma seed treatment technology are prospected. The low-temperature plasma crop seed treatment technology opens a new way for the application of plasma in crops.

Keywords: Low temperature Plasma; Seed; Activation; Equipment

Abstract| Introduction| Low Temperature Plasma Seed Treatment Technology| Innovative Development of Low Temperature Plasma Seed Processing Technology| Biological Effects and Activation Mechanism of Low Temperature Plasma| Outlook| Acknowledgement| References|