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ISSN: 2637-4676

Current Investigations in Agriculture and Current Research

Mini Review(ISSN: 2637-4676)

A Note on Assessing Hunger in African Countries

Volume 7 - Issue 1

Rodrigo Freitas Silva1sup>*, Marcelo Otone Aguiar1, Mayra Luiza Marques da Silva2 and Gilson Fernandes da Silva3

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    • 1Department of Computing Alegre, Brazil
    • 2Department of Agrarian Sciences, Sete Lagoas, MG, Brazil
    • 3Department of Forest Engineering, Jerônimo Monteiro, ES, Brazil

    *Corresponding author: Rodrigo Freitas Silva, Department of Computing, CCENS, Alegre-ES, Brazil

Received: June 14, 2019;   Published: June 19, 2019

DOI: 10.32474/CIACR.2019.07.000252

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This note is a continuation of an earlier series of papers which addressed hunger in Africa...These studies were all conducted at the country level and based on data collected by the Afro barometer Project’s 6th Round Survey conducted in 36 of Africa’s 54 Countries. The purpose of this note is different from the earlier papers in that its purpose is to demonstrate that Afro barometer’s existing surveys provide a means to assess the scope of hunger in African countries. What is important is this paper does address the existing literature’s lament that what is lacking to further hunger research in Africa is the lack of National Probability Samples. It is noted here that all Afro barometer country level surveys are National Probability Samples.

This paper compares current Afro barometer findings regarding hunger in African countries with the lists of what are considered the World’s and Africa’s hungriest countries There is some overlap in these comparisons, and some of those identified as Africa’s hungriest countries are included in the Afro barometer file; others did not appear on the list of the hungriest African countries. The world hungriest ranking points to the fact that Africa should be the focus of hunger research; 9 of the 10 countries on the top 10 list are African countries. The country Afro barometer data identifies as Africa’s hungriest country, Malawi, does not appear on the African or World’s hungriest countries lists .The paper points to the need to further assess hunger as identified in the first five surveys and in the soon to be released Afro barometer Round 7 file.

Abstract| Introduction| Discussion and Conclusion| References|