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ISSN: 2641-1687

Journal of Urology & Nephrology Studies

Review Article(ISSN: 2641-1687)

Medical Management of Castration Resistant Prostate Cancer (CRPC): Beyond Chemotherapy

Volume 2 - Issue 5

Ganesh K Bakshi1, SK Raghunath2, Sudhir Rawal3, Ganesh Gopalakrishnan4, Sanjai K Addla5, Priya J6, Suyog C Mehta7, Mrinal Borgohain7 and Rajan Mittal7*

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    • 1Department of Urology, Tata Memorial Hospital, India
    • 2Department of Urology, HCG Cancer Care, India
    • 3Department of Urology, Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Institute and Research Centre, India
    • 4Vedanayagam Hospital Pvt. Ltd., India
    • 5Department of Urology, Apollo Hospital, India
    • 6Department of Urology, Joshi Hospital, India
    • 7Medical Affairs, Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories Ltd, India

    *Corresponding author: Dr. Rajan Mittal, MD, DM (Clinical Pharmacology) Director, Medical Affairs at Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories Ltd, 7-1-27, Ameerpet, Hyderabad, India

Received: March 03, 2020, 2020;   Published: March 12, 2020

DOI: 10.32474/JUNS.2020.02.000146

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Prostate cancer is one of the leading causes of cancer-related mortality in men. Despite advances in treatment options, about 30-40% of patients develop the advanced disease in due course. Androgen deprivation is the standard first-line systemic therapy for men with advanced prostate cancer. Almost all patients with the metastatic disease go on to develop castration-resistant prostate cancer. The multiple therapeutic alternatives for castration-resistant prostate cancer, including abiraterone acetate, enzalutamide, cabazitaxel, immunotherapy with sipuleucel-T, radiopharmaceuticals and bone-targeted therapies (zoledronic acid, denosumab) along with docetaxel have made the decision-making process complex and challenging for clinicians. Even the strong pipeline of systemic therapies with a diverse array of mechanisms of action in prostate cancer have shown preliminary signs of clinical benefit, leading to more definitive phase III confirmatory trials. The review will relate the pathogenesis to the management of castrationresistant prostate cancer and look for the best therapy approaches in metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer, needed to tackle the existing challenges effectively.

Keywords: Castration Resistant Prostate Cancer; Prostate Cancer; AR signaling inhibitor; metastatic; asymptomatic

Abbreviations: GLOBOCAN: Global Cancer Incidence, Mortality and Prevalence; CRPC: castration-resistant prostate cancer; mPC: metastatic prostate cancer; mCRPC: metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer; NM-CRPC: non-metastatic CRPC; FDA: Food and Drug Administration; PSA: prostate-specific antigen; EAU: European Association of Urology; AA: abiraterone acetate; RECIST: Response Evaluation Criteria in Solid Tumors; ADT: androgen deprivation therapy; LBD: ligand binding domain; MAPK : mitogenactivated protein kinases; BRCA: breast cancer gene; ATM: ataxia telangiectasia mutated; AUA: American Urological Association; NEPC: Neuroendocrine prostate cancer

Abstract| Introduction| Conclusion| Acknowledgement| Disclosure Statement| References|