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ISSN: 2641-1687

Journal of Urology & Nephrology Studies

Research Article(ISSN: 2641-1687)

A study of Pulse Pressure as a Measure of Erectile Dysfunction Among Men in Ndola, Zambia

Volume 2 - Issue 4

Geoffrey Chitambala1 and Kasonde Bowa2*

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    • 1Registrar, Copperbelt University School of Medicine, Zambia
    • 2Professor of Urology, Copperbelt University School of Medicine, Zambia

    *Corresponding author: Kasonde Bowa, Professor of Urology, Copperbelt University School of Medicine, Ndola, Zambia

Received: February 12, 2020;   Published: February 20, 2020

DOI: 10.32474/JUNS.2020.02.000145

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Introduction: Erectile Dysfunction is an increasing problem in developing countries. Studies have shown a prevalence of up to 45% among men of 45 years and older [1]. Erectile Dysfunction (ED) is related to the integrity of the arterial endothelium [2]. The Pulse Pressure (PP) is a good measure of the calibre of the arterial blood vessels. It is a sensitive predictor of cardiovascular events in ageing populations. In view of this, the study proposes the use of Pulse Pressure in predicting Erectile Dysfunction in ageing men.

Objectives: The objective of this study was to determine the accuracy of Pulse Pressure (PP) in predicting Erectile Dysfunction (ED) using the International Index of Erectile Function Score (IIEF5) in men aged 45 years and older at Ndola Teaching Hospital in Zambia.

Methods: The study was a cross-sectional study which recruited healthy men who were 45 years and older in Ndola, Zambia. The study compared the Pulse Pressure (PP) of men to the status of their sexual function based on the International Index of Erectile Function Score (IIEF5). The IIEF5 was categories into two groups. These groups were group 1 with Erectile Dysfunction (ED) and group 2 without Erectile Dysfunction. Those with IIEF5 score of 21 or less were defined as having ED, while those with IIEF5 score of 22 to 25 were defined has having no ED. Pulse Pressure of equal to or greater than 50mmHg was defined as a wide pulse pressure. While that of less than 50mmHg was defined as a normal Pulse Pressure. SPSS version 20 was used for data entry and analysis. The sensitivity, specificity, and correlation coefficient were used to compare the results obtained. Sensitivity was defined as the ability of the wide PP to detect an IIEF5 score of 21 and below. Whereas Specificity was defined as the ability of the normal PP to detect an IIEF5 score of 22 and above.

Results: We recruited 382 men with an age range between 45 and 91 years. The mean age was 54.9 years (standard deviation ± 9.73 years). The IIEF5 score showed that 158 men (41.4%) had no ED, and 224 men (58.6%) had ED. While, the PP was normal in 205 men (53.7%) and wide in 177 men (46.3%). The sensitivity of the PP to detect ED was 58.9%, and the specificity was 72%. This study showed that in our setting, PP can be used to screen for ED in men of 45years old and above.

Abstract| Introduction| Methods| Results| Discussion| Limitations| Ethical statement| Authors Contribution statement| References|