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ISSN: 2643-6760

Surgery & Case Studies: Open Access Journal

Case Report(ISSN: 2643-6760)

Basilar Invagination a Spectrum of Various Lines-A Case Report Volume 5 - Issue 2

Lokesh Rana*, Dinesh Sood, Nishant Nayyar, Neeraj Kumar, Deepika Thakur and Varsha Patial

  • Assistant Professor, Department of Radio-diagnosis, India

Received:June 12, 2020;   Published: July 01, 2020

Corresponding author: Lokesh Rana, Assistant Professor, Department of Radio-diagnosis, DrRPGMC, KangraatTanda. Himachal Pradesh, India

DOI: 10.32474/SCSOAJ.2020.05.000210

Abstract PDF


Basilar invagination is deformity of osseous structures in the base of the skul region at the foramenmag num region. The diagnosis of this entity primarily depends upon the radiology.


Basilar Invagination is cranio vertebral junction anomaly of the osseous structure seen as prolapse of odontoid processing of oramen Magnum with flattening of clivus. It is mostly congenital whereas basilar impression is upward displacement of Dens due to softening of the bones of the skul base and is mostly acquired. The diagnosis primarily depends upon the radiology.

Case Report

We present acase ofa 8year old patient presenting with at axiavertigo and pain in The neck MRIT2W images shows upward prolapse of odontoid into for a men Magnum within dentation of medulaoblongata. McRaeline, Chamberlaineline and Mc Gregorlineare showing odontoid process 3mm, >5mm and >4.5mm respectively, Hence diagnosis of basilar invagination was made [1- 6].


Basilar Invagination is craniovertebral junction anomalyseen as prolapse of Odontoid process into for a men Magnum with flattening of clivus. It is mostly Congenital where as basilar impression is upward displacement of Dens due to Softening of the bones of the skul base and is mostly acquired. Patient presents Depending upon crowding and mass effect caused with headache, neckpain, vertigo, Cranial Nerve deficit, lower limb at axia and other neurological signs caused by Syring ohydromylia (Figure 1).

Figure 1:A 8year old patient presenting with at axiavertigo and pain in the neck MRIT2W images shows upward prolapse of odontoidintoforamenmagnum with indentation of medulaoblongata. McRaeline (d) Chamberlaineline (e) and Mc Gregorline (f) are showingodontoid process 3mm,>5mm and>4.5mm respectively, hencediagnosis of basilar invagination was made.


Key Imaging diagnostic clue

1) Tip of odontoid process prolapsing into for a men Magnum, may cause crowding and indentation of brainstem. 2) Tip of odontoid processis >5mm above McRaeline, 3mm> Chamberlaine and >4.5mm Mc Gregorline.


Developmental CV Janomaly-Atlanto-dental-axial instability or CVJ stenosis. Inflammatory of Infective–Increased AtlantodentalInterface Acquired basilar Impression-displacement of occipital condyles into for amen magnum secondary to bone softening.

Conflicts of Interest


No Financial Disclosures

No financial aid was obtained forth study.


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