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ISSN: 2643-6760

Surgery & Case Studies: Open Access Journal

Research Article(ISSN: 2643-6760)

Primary-Simultane Operation Pri Politrauma

Volume 3 - Issue 3

Shaposhnikov Veniamin Ivanovich*

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    • Noncommercial educational private institution of higher education Kuban Medical Institute Head. Chair of morphologic disciplines. Professor of surgical diseases, Vice Rector, Krasnodar, Russia

    *Corresponding author: Shaposhnikov Veniamin Ivanovich, Noncommercial educational private institution of higher education Kuban Medical Institute Head. Chair of morphologic disciplines. Professor of surgical diseases, Vice Rector, Krasnodar, Russia

Received:September 04, 2019   Published: September 10, 2019

DOI: 10.32474/SCSOAJ.2019.03.000163

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The author examines the current problems of modern medicine associated with the growth of injuries. In recent decades, not only has the number of injuries increased, but so does the severity of the damage. There were many problems, both in the organization of treatment of victims, and in the methods of surgical correction of injuries, especially if they are combined - multiple, and at the same time injured up to a dozen or even more persons. This is most often the case in road traffic accidents, and they sometimes occur on sections of highways, away from the regional and regional centers, where the main medical staff are concentrated, and in rural areas, where hospitals operate with very limited medical staff. For example, the staffing of the CRB usually provides surgical and trauma departments for 40-60 beds, that is, assistance is planned. or a surgeon, or a traumatologists, but often come persons with trauma of those organs and systems that are to be treated by a neurosurgeon, angiosurgeon and other specialists. The difficulty lies not only in the absence of them, but also in the tools for such operations. One doctor of the CRB receives a load, which in the regional center is allowed 5-10 or more specialists of surgical profile. In this situation, doctors of rural hospitals should have the technique to perform surgery in any form of trauma, but for this they must pass the school of training in leading surgical centers, and now they are mostly former students who know everything, but nothing they know how to do it. Admittedly, the increase in fatalities from injuries is partly due to this factor. The author gives an instructive observation of polytrauma, which fits into the context of the problem at hand.

Keywords: Polytrauma; Surgical treatment; Treatment

Abstract| The Aim of the Study| Introduction| Material and Methods| The Result| Discussion| Conclusion| References|