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ISSN: 2643-6760

Surgery & Case Studies: Open Access Journal

Mini Review(ISSN: 2643-6760)

Advantages of Laparoscopy in Times of COVID-19: Should Laparoscopy be Given Priority during A Pandemic?

Volume 5 - Issue 3

David Jeong*, Samarth Patel and Hyojin Jeon

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    • Department of Surgery, Trinity School of Medicine, Ribishi, Saint Vincent, USA

    Corresponding author: David Jeong, Department of Surgery, Trinity School of Medicine, Ribishi, Saint Vincent, USA

Received: June 27, 2020   Published: July 13, 2020

DOI: 10.32474/SCSOAJ.2020.05.000212

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Background: Selection of laparoscopy over the traditional open approach during times of pandemic has been in question. Although very little evidence supports viral transmission through laparoscopy or open approach, a potential risk of transmission is still present. Therefore, modifications to surgical practices have been suggested in order to minimize the risk of viral transmission through surgical procedures.

Objective: Concern on potential risk of viral transmission during laparoscopic surgeries have raised many questions among surgeons worldwide. Several benefits of laparoscopy will be discussed in detail and the safety of laparoscopy relative to the traditional open approach will be speculated based on these benefits. Furthermore, important safeguards that have to be implemented in the operating room in times of pandemic will be discussed.

Conclusion: Despite the lack of evidence on the transmission of COVID-19 during laparoscopy, a potential risk remains. However, the known benefits of laparoscopy could be advantageous over the open approach and minimize the risk of occupational exposure on the surgical staff. Despite very little evidence that suggest viral transmission, it is important to implement modifications in the operating room to further reduce the risk of viral transmission.

Keywords: Laparoscopy; COVID-19; Pandemic; Occupational exposure

Abstract| Introduction| Advantages of Laparoscopy| Modifications and changes in the Operating Room| Conclusion| Declarations| Consent for Publication| Competing Interests| Funding| Authors’ Contributions| References|