Disorders of Sex Development
Volume 2 - Issue 5
Pedro Acién*
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- Department of Gynecology, Miguel Hernández University, Spain
*Corresponding author:
Pedro Acién, Department of Gynecology, Miguel Hernández University, San Juan Campus, 03550 San Juan,
Alicante, Spain.
Received:August 17, 2020; Published: August 27, 2020
DOI: 10.32474/OAJRSD.2020.02.000150
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Disorders of sex development (DSDs) were defined as
“congenital conditions within which the development of
chromosomal, gonadal and anatomic sex is atypical” at the Chicago
Consensus Meeting in 2005 and then published as a Consensus
Statement in 2006 [1-3]. However, there have been and there are
many controversies, both because of the negative connotations
perceived by organizations and professionals when using terms
such as “disorders” (perhaps because of the perceived implications
that “sex” involves sexual behavior), or because some health
professionals have considered certain terms such as “intersex”,
“pseudo hermaphroditism”, “hermaphroditism”, “sex reversal”,
etc. inaccurate, non-descriptive, and confusing, or because among
families and patient support groups they were felt to be pejorative.
Other authors [4,5].