(Dis)ordered Spaces? Managing the Competing
Rights of Children in the Gendered Space of the
School Toilet
Volume 1 - Issue 5
Sarah Richards and Jessica Clark*
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- Department of Psychology, UK
*Corresponding author:
Jessica Clark, Department of Psychology, University of Suffolk, Waterfront Building Ipswich Campus,
Neptune Quay, Suffolk IP4 1QJ, UK
Received: September 21, 2018; Published: September 26, 2018
DOI: 10.32474/OAJRSD.2018.01.000122
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Rights are often perceived as unproblematic and normative,
perhaps particularly in childhood where rights are primarily
positioned as protective and participatory. However, in a landscape
where the rights of trans* and gender non-conforming are an
increasing focus, rights are once again revealed as being contested,
controversial and in-conflict. While trans* identities are constructed
by some as being normative, simply part of the continuum of
gender identity, for others, trans* is perceived as ‘disorder’ both
biologically and socially [1]. Here, we take the space of the toilet
and its binary structure, as emblematic of wider “mechanisms of
gender regulation” [2]. We consider the challenges faced by schools
(and other social institutions) in managing toilet spaces and the
competing and contested rights of those who lay claim to them.