Why Should We Learn to Swim?
Volume 1 - Issue 2
Gabriel Miranda Nava*
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- Chief of Neurology of the Hospital Center of the Presidential General Staff, Mexico
*Corresponding author:
Gabriel Miranda Nava, Chief of Neurology of the Hospital Center of the Presidential General Staff, Mexico
Received: September 04, 2018; Published: September 11, 2018
DOI: 10.32474/SJPBS.2018.01.000109
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There is an anecdote in which an intellectual was being
transported in a small boat by a person of scarce academic resources,
when when trying to mock this poor man he asks “young… do you
know? Of mathematics? And the poor boatman answers NO, and
the unfriendly scholar tells him “because he thinks you’ve lost 30%
of your life, later he asks him if he knew about philosophy and when
he answered with a second refusal, the scholar in question tells him
that he had he lost another 30% of his life, and he maintained it
until suddenly the boatman, smiling, asked him, “Sir, do you? Can
you swim? The intellectual in question responds, “naturally not”
and the boatman ends up telling him “well, pretend that you lost
100% of your life because the ship sinks”.