Relationship Between the Relational Coordination Model
and Quality in the UTEQ
Volume 3 - Issue 2
Cristina Checa Morales1, Carmen De Pablos-Heredero2*, Yenny Torres3, Eduardo Díaz3 and Cecilio Barba Capote1
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- 1Agricultural Economy Group, Córdoba University, Spain
- 2ESIC Business & Marketing School and Rey Juan Carlos University, Spain
- 3Business Administration, UTEQ University, Spain
*Corresponding author:
Carmen De Pablos Heredero, ESIC Business & Marketing School and Rey Juan Carlos University, Madrid, Spain
Received: November 15, 2019; Published: November 22, 2019
DOI: 10.32474/SJPBS.2019.03.000160
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The objective of this study was to build an organizational typology that explains the relationship between relational coordination
(RC) and satisfaction in higher education. 4,000 cases were analysed in diverse socioeconomic contexts. 19 RC variables were
measured. By applying factor analysis, 6 factors have been obtained that explained a 66.23% of variance. The first three factors
were more relevant and are linked to coordination with administration, representative`s cooperation and lectures´ cooperation.
Discriminant analysis results showed a strong relationship between RC and quality. Quality exhibited high discriminating power in
the model (71.64%), which used 6 factors of RC. The cluster analysis assigned high quality to group 3, associated to high levels of
coordination with administration and representatives’ coordination. It evidences that an improvement of RC allows reaching best
results in terms of quality in higher education
Keywords: Relational coordination; satisfaction; higher education; shared objectives; mutual respect; communication; quality