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ISSN: 2641-1768

Scholarly Journal of Psychology and Behavioral Sciences

Short CommunicationOpen Access

Human, Evaporation, Circle, Climate Volume 5 - Issue 1

Oleg Khalidullin*

  • Department of human psychology, Independent Researcher, Kazakhstan

Received: April 10, 2021;   Published:April 22, 2021

Corresponding author:Oleg Khalidullin, Department of human psychology, Independent Researcher, Kazakhstan

DOI: 10.32474/SJPBS.2021.05.000205

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Water has been created and accumulated on Earth for millions of years. The quality of water, its structure and its very purpose have evolved along with biota (a community of plants and living organisms). Water is one of the main driving forces of biota, as well as the environment itself. Just like the circulatory system in the body, water brings nutrients to every living cell. The extraction of minerals and fertilizers from the bottom and banks of rivers and underground canals and their delivery to plants and animals is the most important link in the transformation - in a single process of the water cycle. The process of transferring substances is similar to the movement of air through organisms - it delivers oxygen, carbon dioxide and leaves the body with processing waste in a different form. Also, water, as a vehicle, delivers solutes to living cells and exits with other liquids and gases. The quality of exhaled moisture and waste is purely individual, both within species and between species of biota. Organisms and plants emit different waste products throughout the day and through life. This waste is an integral part of the same cycle of water and life on the planet.

Keywords: Artificial evaporation; Water cycle; Biota; Cycle links; Water transformations; Aqueous solution; Transpiration; Respiration; Sedimentation; New substance; Climate change.

Abstract| Introduction|