Dealing With Stress and Complex Problem Solving
Volume 6 - Issue 2
Ulrike Kipman1*, Stephan Bartholdy2, Günter Schiepek3 and Wolfgang Aichhorn3
- 1Institute of Educational Sciences and Research, College of Education, Austria
- 2University of Salzburg, Austria, University of Greifswald, Germany
- 3Paracelsus Medical Private University, Germany
Received:December 01, 2021; Published:December 08, 2021
Corresponding author: Ulrike Kipman, Institute of Educational Sciences and Research, College of Education, Austria
DOI: 10.32474/SJPBS.2021.06.000232
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The ability to solve complex problems (‘CPS performance’) enables persons to achieve goals under complex conditions, which
are characterized by their complexity, connectivity, dynamics, intransparency, and polytely. This study was designed to investigate
the following hypothesis: The way to deal with stress is related to CPS performance. Participants in the present study (N=126) at
first provided their demographical data, then subsequently completed a detailed test measuring stress processing strategies and
finally were given a mission in a complex scenario implemented in Cities: Skylines, a microworld scenario. Results show that people
who tend to make many thoughts after stress situations and people who question (or even self-incriminate) themselves (internal
attribution) in stress situations have better chances to succeed in complex problem solving tasks. In men, we found significant
and positive correlations between situation control, reaction control, as well as positive self-instruction and successful problem
solving, whereas we did not find any significant positive correlations in women. For this group, we only found significant negative
correlations, namely that trivializing and playing down stress are negatively correlated with successful problem solving.
Keywords: Cps; Decision Making; Stress; Internal and External Stress Processing
Theoretical Background|
Measurement Approaches|
Conditions in the Study|
Short Questionnaire|