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ISSN: 2641-1768

Scholarly Journal of Psychology and Behavioral Sciences

Mini-Review ArticleOpen Access

Challenges to Fight Educational Poverty Volume 6 - Issue 4

Annarita Annunziata1, Giancarlo Artiano1,3, Emilio Balzano1,2* and Pietro Piccialli1

  • 1University of S Orsola Benincasa of Naples, Italy
  • 2University of Naples Federico II, Italy
  • 3University of Campania L Vanvitelli, Italy

Received:May 5, 2022;   Published:May 16, 2022

Corresponding author: Emilio Balzano, University of Naples Federico, Italy

DOI: 10.32474/SJPBS.2022.06.000241

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Save the Children gave the definition of the so-called “educational poverty”, describing it as “a process of limitation of children’s right to education and deprivation of their opportunities to learn and develop the skills they will need to succeed in a rapidly changing society.” Contrasting child poverty and supporting the cultural and educational opportunities of children and adolescents is an indispensable commitment, an investment in the future and a goal to be pursued by all means. It is understood that the challenge is particularly demanding and requires not only adequate policies and sufficient funds but also a cultural revolution in the way of rethinking education system. The preparation of all the adults involved (educators, researchers, teachers, family members) and the interventions that they lead in formal and informal contexts, plays, in our opinion, a crucial role in the way of doing education. However, it is clear that the challenge is particularly demanding and it is not enough to produce exemplary initiatives with the funds that governments and private foundations make available. Based on our experience, we believe that the process to be implemented - in consideration of the complexity of the problem concerning social, cultural, pedagogical and psychological aspects - must have at its center a targeted preparation of adults (teachers, educators, family members, researchers) and a necessary re-examination of the way in which school is made and teachers teach. In our opinion, school must be able to link formal and informal context experiences, collaborating with universities and third sector institutions, orienting activities that now appear fragmented and not dialoguing.

Keywords:Educational Poverty; Science Education; Critical Thinking; Citizen Science; Educational Poverty: a grown problem

Abstract| Introduction| Our Commitment to Fight Educational Poverty| Conclusion| References|