In this paper we discuss autofellatio and its associated medical
problems that can begin in adolescence and last a lifetime. The first
and most obvious medical problem is with the back. The spine is
injured in such a way as to cause rounding of the shoulders and
a opposing kink in the neck, with the head titled on its base. This
could lead to problems with the sinus, and ears. This leads to
imbalance because the equilibrium is disturbed in the inner ear.
The spine is also affected that can lead to numbing of the thighs.
The pelvis is permanently rotated forward. Lifelong back pain is
the result of autofellatio. Another symptom is ingrown toenails.
Because the head and shoulders are out of alignment, there is a
constant upward pressure on the toenail as it grows into the skin.
A third symptom is the bending of the sternum upward from its
tail end. The compression of the rib cage leads to shortness of
breath and a corresponding claustrophobia. Because the sternum
is bent and a cavity is formed where the esophagus meets the
stomach, the esophagus is altered from acid reflex. Of course, there
is the associated mental distress from the shame of performing the
act. If known, the patient becomes ostracized, and even suicidal
depression and lifelong unhappiness. There may result damage to
the heart as it is under increased pressure. The lungs too can be
affected as they are filled in the depths with fluid lifelong. It may
be diagnosed by an Otolaryngologist, but the patient may too see a
chiropractor, GP, psychiatrist and foot surgeon. The cure might be to
lower testosterone levels artificially in pubescent males.