Use of Temporoparietal Flap and Split Skin Grafting
of Donor Area to Salvage Cochlear Implant – Novel
Experience from A Tertiary Hospital in India
Volume 6 - Issue 4
Anand R1*, Shyam Kalyan N2, Jaisy J Vikkath3 and Aruchamy M4
- 1Senior Consultant, Department of Cochlear Implant Surgery, PSG Super Specialty Hospital, India
- 2Associate Consultant, Department of ENT, PSG Super Specialty Hospital, India
- 3Senior Resident, Department of ENT, PSG Super Specialty Hospital, India
- 4Senior Consultant, Department of Plastic Surgery, PSG Super Specialty Hospital, India
Received: May 04, 2021 Published: May 18, 2021
Corresponding author: Anand R, Senior Consultant, Department of Cochlear Implant Surgery, PSG Super Specialty Hospital, India
DOI: 10.32474/SJO.2021.06.000241
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The management of cochlear implant exposure can be very challenging especially in the pediatric population where
reconstructive options are limited. Various techniques comprising conservative and surgical methods have been used to prevent
explanation with variable success rates. We describe the use of the temporoparietal fascial flap (TPFF) for this purpose due to its
wide coverage and tension-free closure. We present the case of a child who had implant exposure 3 months after the surgery. He
was managed conservatively initially. When this failed restoring of the wound was done. However, this also was not successful. Then
we tried coverage with TPFF and split-thickness skin grafting of the TPFF donor site which succeeded. Our experience provides
evidence that TPFF can be used for the coverage of post aural wound in cases of implant exposure and when combined with a splitthickness
skin graft (STSG) of the donor site, it can further increase the success rates. The STSG of the donor site ensures a tensionfree
closure in comparison with primary closure which would put further pressure on the TPFF.
Keywords:TPFF: Temporoparietal Fascial Flap; STSG: Split-Thickness Skin Graft
Case History|