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- 1Senior Residents, Department of ENT, Bangalore Medical College& Research Institute, India
- 2Postgraduates, Department of ENT, Bangalore Medical College& Research Institute, India
- 3Professor and Head, Department of ENT, Bangalore Medical College& Research Institute, India
*Corresponding author:
Kartik Irappa Patil, Senior Resident, Department of ENT, Bangalore Medical College& Research Institute,
Bangalore, India
Received: September 25, 2020; Published: October 05, 2020
DOI: 10.32474/SJO.2020.05.000212
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Introduction: The World Health Organization confirmed COVID 19 as a pandemic on 11th March 2020. Though the most
common symptoms of COVID-19 are fever, cough, myalgia, fatigue, and difficulty breathing, ear, nose, and throat (ENT) symptoms,
including loss of sense of smell and/or loss of sense of taste have been reported as symptoms caused by the virus.
Aims and Objectives: To detect and discuss the different otorhinolaryngology (ORL) manifestations reported in COVID-19
positive patients.
Materialsand Methods: This observational study was done on 2000 patients with a positive COVID 19 test admitted to a
tertiary care hospital. The patients were assessed for their signs and symptoms and the findings were analysed.
Results: The patients ranged in age from 18 to 70 years, including 1090 males (54.5%) and 910 females (45.5%). The most
common presenting symptom was fever seen in 1500 (75%) patients. Other symptoms included cough in 1100 (55%) patients,
expectoration seen in 446 (22.3%), breathlessness in 302(15.1%), nausea and vomiting in 80(4%) patients, fatigue/malaise in 568
(28.4%) patients.The most common otorhinolaryngological manifestation were sore throat seen in 460 (23%) patients, running
nose in 292 (14.6%), olfactory disturbances in 180 (9%), nasal obstruction in 156(7.8%) , headache in 222(11.1%), pharyngeal
congestion in 208(10.4%), tonsillar hypertrophy seen in 62(3.1%) patients.
Conclusion: Though, the most common presenting symptoms in COVID-19 patients are fever and cough, a significant proportion
of patients does have ENT manifestations which may go unnoticed. Hence it becomes necessary to screen all COVID patients for
ENT symptoms so that high quality care can be provided for patients.This also facilitates care givers to take necessary precautions
to protect themselves.
Keywords: COVID 19;otorhinolaryngological; manifestations
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