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ISSN: 2641-1709

Scholarly Journal of Otolaryngology

Research Article(ISSN: 2641-1709)

Occurance of Dizziness in patients with Tinnitus Complaint

Volume 2 - Issue 1

Amanda Câmara Miranda1, Thaís Mendonça Maia Wanderley Cruz de Freitas2, Emanuelle Sintya Santos Santana do Nascimento3, Claúdia Carneiro da Silva1, Karla Cybelle Bezerra Cavalcanti Alcoforado4, Karlin Fabianne Klagenberg5 and Marine Raquel Diniz da Rosa6

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    • 1Master student in Cognitive Neuroscience and Behaviour Universidade Federal da Paraíba, Brazil
    • 2Master student in Speech Therapy, Universidade Federal da Paraíba, Brazil
    • 3Master in Model and Decisions, Universidade Federal da Paraíba, Brazil
    • 4Lecturer in Centro Universitário de João Pessoa, Brazil
    • 5Doctor in Communication Disorders through the Universidade Tuiuti do Paraná, Brazil
    • 6Adjunct Lecturer of the Speech therapy course of the Universidade Federal da Paraíba, Brazil

    *Corresponding author: Marine Raquel Diniz da Rosa, Adjunct Lecturer of the Speech therapy course of the Universidade Federal da Paraíba, Brazil

Received:April 05, 2019;   Published: April 18, 2019

DOI: 10.32474/SJO.2019.01.000128

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Introduction: Dizziness is a regular complaint, often accompanied by other symptoms, especially tinnitus. Tinnitus is one of the three major otoneurological manifestations, alongside neurosensorial hearing loss and dizziness, being it, most of the times, the main complaint among patients. The relationship between the vestibular and cochlear system it’s rather known, many pathologies can originate from one of both systems.

Objective: Investigate the correlation between the symptoms of tinnitus and dizziness, analyzing the level of disturbance, the sensation of frequency (pitch) and intensity (loudness) of the tinnitus with dizziness complaint.

Methodology: A descriptive, observational and quantifying field study took place. 126 individuals with tinnitus complaint, from both sexes, were studied. The anamnesis was performed approaching audiological symptoms, the THI questionnaire was applied, as well as acuphenometry.

Results: 71 individuals (56,3%) referred to dizziness complaints associated with the tinnitus; women represented a larger number (41,3%) (p=0,017). In regards of the level of disturbance of the tinnitus, most of the patients 18,3% presented a low level, as for patients without dizziness 14,3% the quick level was present; the average Pitch is around 4.000 Hz in both groups, Loudness, on the other hand, was of 22 dBNS for individuals with dizziness and 26 dBNS for individuals without dizziness complaints. Conclusion: Meaningful results, regarding the relationship between tinnitus and dizziness, were not observed, therefore, it’s necessary to investigate if the tinnitus is from vestibular origin in order to seek improvements to the dizziness and thereafter, the tinnitus.

Keywords: Dizziness; Tinnitus; Audiology; Speech Therapy

Abstract| Introduction| Material and Methods| Results| Discussion| Conclusion| References|