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- 1Professor of Otorhinolaryngology, King Abd El Aziz Specialized Hospital, Kingdome of Saudi Arabia
- 2Phoniatrics Consultant, King Abd Al Aziz Specialized Hospital, Jouf, Saudi Arabia
- 3Faculty of Medicine, Jouf University, Saudi Arabia
*Corresponding author:
Safinaz Nagib Azab, Phoniatrics Consultant, King Abd Al Aziz Specialized Hospital, Jouf, Saudi Arabia
Received: November 11, 2019; Published: December 04, 2019
DOI: 10.32474/SJO.2019.03.000161
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Background: Hearing is critical for normal development and acquisition of language and speech and Hearing impairment exists
when there is diminished sensitivity to the sounds normally heard. Several studies have suggested that one out of every two to three
school-aged children with any degree of hearing impairment have academic, social, and behavioral difficulties. Purpose: To compare
the degree of hearing loss regarding the Anxiety Related Emotional Disorders of hearing-impaired children and correlates this to
language scale.
Methods: 75 children divided equally to three groups, mild, moderate and severe hearing impaired Arabic speaking children aged
between 6 to 8 years were included in this study and were subjected to psychometric evaluation, audiological assessment, Arabic
language scale, and The Screen for Child Anxiety Related Emotional Disorders (SCARED) questionnaire(Arabic version).
Results: Hearing-impaired children showed more language, emotional difficulties, and spent less time communicating than children
with normal hearing. The lowest academic, social, and emotional scores were in severe hearing-impaired group than in the other
two groups.
Conclusion: Even slight/mild hearing impairment can result in negative consequences in the psychological, social, and emotional
and there is significant relationship between delayed language, anxiety, and child emotionalrelated problems.
Keywords: Hearing Impairment; Psychological; Anxiety; Emotions; Language; Speech
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