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ISSN: 2638-6003

Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Open Access Journal

Research Article(ISSN: 2638-6003)

Outcome of Arthroscopic Bankart’s Repair Using Trans- Glenoid Suture Technique in Recurrent Post-Traumatic Anterior Shoulder Dislocation Without Bony Defect Volume 5 - Issue 2

IA Alabi*, C Nkanta, SA Arojuraye, N Ndubuisi

  • National Orthopaedic Hospital, Dala, Kano, Nigeria

Received:April 17, 2021;   Published:April 28, 2021

Corresponding author: Ibrahim Abolaji Alabi, Arthroscopy Unit, Department of Clinical Services, National Orthopaedic Hospital, Dala, Kano, Nigeria.

DOI: 10.32474/OSMOAJ.2021.05.000209


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Background: Recurrent dislocation of the shoulder is the leading complication of traumatic anterior glenohumeral dislocation. It occurs commonly in young adult males. The most common pathology encountered in the early phase is Bankart’s lesion. Arthroscopic trans glenoid suture capsulorrhaphy is an effective alternative for Correcting the pathology of anterior and anteroinferior shoulder instability.

Objective: To present the outcome of arthroscopic Bankart’s repair using Caspari’s technique.

Methodology: It is a prospective cohort study conducted on 54 patients that undergone arthroscopic Bankart’s repair for recurrent shoulder dislocation at National Orthopedic Hospital, Dala and Habeeby Orthopedic Clinic, Kabuga, Kano from March 2015 to February 2021. Cases were recruited through the surgical outpatient department, SOPD. Instability was assessed pre- and postoperatively using the Rowe Score. The instability shoulder index score (ISIS) was used as predictive tool for arthroscopic treatment while the Western Ontario Shoulder Instability Index (WOSI) and the Walch-Duplay scores were used as functional outcome measures. Data were captured using Microsoft excel worksheet and analyzed using SPSS version 20.0 for windows.

Results: Fifty-four patients were studied with an average age of 25.0 +/- 5.4 years and M: F of 8: 1. All were posttraumatic with a mean frequency of dislocation of 5.2 +/- 3.0 per week before surgery. All the patients had positive apprehension test. The average duration of hospital stay was 5 +/- 2days. The average pre-operative instability shoulder index score (ISIS) was 2.1 +/- 1.5. The Rowe scores showed statistical improvement after operation with P <0.001. The average pre-operative Western Ontario Shoulder Instability Index (WOSI) Score and Walch-Duplay scores equally improved to with P < 0.001 at 2 years of follow up. There was no recurrence after 2 years of follow up. Caspari’s technique is cost effective as two strands of polyester 5 sutures cost 1.4% of the price of two anchor sutures.

Conclusion: Caspari’s Technique gives good to excellent functional outcome in recurrent shoulder dislocations without bony defect and it is cost effective.

Abstract| Introduction| Methodology| Results| Discussion| Conclusion| References|