Characterisation of Postural Control During A Surf-
Like Postural Assessment: Posturographic Analysis
Volume 2 - Issue 1
Beatriz Minghelli1*, Filipe Melo2, Raul Oliveira2 And Carla Nunes3
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- 1Research in Education and Community Intervention (RECI), School of Health Jean Piaget Algarve, Piaget Institute, Portugal
- 2Laboratory of Motor Behavior, Faculty of Human Kinetics, University of Lisbon, Portugal
- 3Rwanda Military Hospital, University of Rwanda, China
- 4National School of Public Health, NOVA University of Lisbon, Portugal
*Corresponding author:
Beatriz Minghelli, Research in Education and Community Intervention (RECI), School of Health Jean Piaget
Algarve, Piaget Institute, Portugal
Received: October 03, 2018; Published: October 11, 2018
DOI: 10.32474/OSMOAJ.2018.02.000128
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Introduction: Surfing practice requires various physical capacities, such as muscular strength and endurance, balance, postural
control and neuromuscular coordination. The evaluation of postural control in a surfer is a challenge for sports science and injury
prevention researchers. This study evaluated the postural control that surfers perform in a surf-like postural assessment.
Methods: The sample comprised 74 surfers aged between 8-47 years; 83.8% of the sample were male. Postural control
parameters included displacement amplitudes in the anterior-posterior and mid-lateral directions, and length and area of the
centre of pressure (CoP) sway. A force platform was positioned on the surfboard, the latter being placed on top of a bozu. Surfers
had to perform a task (touching cylinders positioned to their front, right and left) while positioned on top of this platform.
Results: In the group who had up to five years of surf practice, differences in CoP displacement in the mid-lateral direction
(38.69mm versus 30.21mm), the CoP path length (2079.49mm versus 1635.90mm) and the CoP sway area (251.36mm2 versus
161.69mm2) were statistically significant (p≤0.05), compared with those who had more than five years of surf practice. In the group
of surfers who were less than 18 years of age, displacement in the mid-lateral direction (38.30mm versus 30.54mm) and the length
(2059.50mm versus 1652.89mm) were statistically significant (p≤0.05), compared to older surfers.
Conclusion: Younger surfers and those who had up to five years of practice showed greater displacement of the CoP. These data
are necessary for adopting injury prevention strategies, and specific training.
Keywords: Centre of pressure; Postural sway; Limits of stability; Surfing; Dynamic balance
Description of the Surf-Like Postural Assessment|
Data Analysis|