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Lupine Online Journal of Nursing & Health care

Review Article(ISSN: 2637-6695)

The Professional Performance and The Standardized Language of Nursing in the Care of Boys and Girls with Bed-Wetting Volume 3 - Issue 4

Yordanka Caridad Luperón de Armas1 and Esther Izquierdo Machín2*

  • 1Graduate in Nursing, Master in Comprehensive Child Care, Assistant Professor. Head of Department of Health, Faculty of Nursing Lidia Doce, Havana, Cuba
  • 2Graduates in Nursing, Master in Nursing, PhD in Nursing Sciences, Titular Professor. Faculty of Nursing Lidia Doce, Havana, Cuba

Received: March 24, 2023;   Published: April 20, 2023

Corresponding author: Esther Izquierdo Machín, Graduates in Nursing, Master in Nursing, PhD in Nursing Sciences, Titular Professor. Faculty of Nursing Lidia Doce, Havana, Cuba

DOI: 10.32474/LOJNHC.2023.03.000169

Abstract PDF


The practice of the nurses understands experiences and phenomena that the professional finds when you offer cares, and establishes routes that are leant in the language standardized of nurses, grows from the need that nursing professionals have, to deploy a professional performance that make easy the organization of the practice of the care of the boys and girls with bedwetting and his family of a systematic form and scientist. The objective of this article is to declare the contribution that offers the standardized language of to the performance of the professional of nurses that is toasted to children, girls with bed-wetting in care.

Keywords: Nurses; Language Standardized of Nurses; Bed-Wetting


The incorporation of new knowledge in updating professional practices is necessary and constant. The permanent search for new answers to health problems has become a contemporary requirement. The generation of new knowledge is an inseparable element of daily professional activity, as it is an efficient and effective way to achieve excellence in the provision of health services. This is expressed in the continuous development of projects that improve the health and well-being of people, especially in prevention, disease care and health education. The objective is none other than to place technical scientific advances in health at the service of society, which requires a disciplined, rigorous and systematic exercise of knowledge, in which the unification of evidencebased scientific. The bed-wetting like social and health problem is expressed in causing insecurity in the boys and girls that suffer her, that generate introverted people, with depressive tendencies, of invalidity or of violent conducts. In this sense, the bed-wetting deserves a diagnosis and precocious treatment that help to the improvement of its quality of life of the children, girls and of its family [1].

The authors in the realized systematization could have delved deeply into the study accomplished by the UNICEF on bed-wetting and the infants’ emotional consequences that suffer her. In the study published in the Minutes Pediatric, the person giving a reference moves to problems of conduct in these infants, as well as manifestations of stress correlated to breeding, in boys and girls that they suffer nighttime primary bed-wetting. The boys and girls with bed-wetting have behavioral problems, in addition to present a minor capability to relate to each other in the context social [2]. On the other hand, according to this study the bed-wetting also affects the parents’ emotional area. Which present stress, frustration, distrust in the capability to bring up their son and guilt. Bed-wetting maybe whose little boy means a load to the family or the girl suffers for this ailment [3]. The practice of the nurses understands experiences and phenomena that the professional finds when you offer cares, and establishes routes that are leant in the language standardized of nurses, grows from the need that nursing professionals have, to deploy a professional performance that make easy the organization of the practice of the care of the boys and girls with bed-wetting and his family of a systematic form and scientist. The objective of this article is to declare the contribution that offers the standardized language of to the performance of the professional of nurses that is toasted to children, girls with bedwetting in care.

Materials and Method

A revision of the scientific literature pertaining to the theme came true. Transverse study, analytical observational, the one in which the analysis of qualitative data once 2022, were compiled during the second trimester of the year is accomplished. The selected goods (8) gave answer to the proposed objective. The study called for an analysis and synthesis of the results of rigorous form and systematics, which is why it came true in six stages:

a) Selection of the question directs

b) Establishment of criteria of inclusion and exclusion of the studies and strategy of quest of literature

c) Definition of the extracted reports the selected studies

d) Evaluation of the included studies

e) Interpretation of the results

f) Synthesis of knowledge

The guide of the study asks her you built for yourself as from the format, PICO (Concept, Population, Intervention, and Context); the referent and the problematical elks exposed inspire the investigators to the following unknown quantity: How does the language once the improvement was standardized of the performance of nurse’s professional that is toasted to children, girls with bed-wetting in care contribute? The strategy of quests was based on the exploration of the data bases Pub-Med, Scielo, Google Académico, Elseiver. They selected like common strategy the combination of structured key words recognized in Descriptors’ thesauruses in sciences of Health (DeCS): Care; Standardized language; Bed-wetting; and operators, polish our AND and OR to identify goods and to give answer to the objective.

Criteria of inclusion: Goods that give answer to the proposed objective discussing aspects on the language standardized of nurses. They examined the goods once five years were published in the last ones, they examined the goods in Spanish languages, English and Portuguese once five years were divulged in the last ones. They included original and revisions and sincereaccess studies.

Criteria of exclusion: Goods that could not be read of complete form in the data base. They abstained them that precision of contented and criteria of quality did not have methodology defined. They excluded duplicate publications, bleak literature (resumes, annals of events, thesis, and dissertations), that his access calls for some payment, that they fail to match or of revision or that they not answer to the objective of the study.

Limitations: Publications in magazine indexed which was not reachable and the data base used. Article that it not respond to the investigation’s object. The ethics has led along the authors that have leant in the systematic observation, in the practical and experience acquired through experience in life for the confection of this document.


The process of the performance of nurses’ professional has in the standardized language a methodology that it provides an adequate and important base [4]. What makes easy the use of the languages in practice, education and the investigation to bear in mind the conditions of the surroundings of give them girls and children with bed-wetting and his family. They can use themselves as a whole or separately according to the author’s opinion.

The authors has considered herself to take implicit like theoretic sustenance in the process of performance after nurse’s professional in the care of the boys and girls with bed-wetting and her family in this investigation. It marked elks it is obtained as from assessment, when utilizing the observation and the identification of problems to offer efficient and efficacious care. From this perspective, nursing as a science provides knowledge to describe, explain and predict. From a lasting human interpersonal activity, which should focus on providing care that stimulates the promotion of human growth and development? In order to give an adequate response to the aforementioned, the coordinated action of nursing professionals is necessary, who are responsible for intervening in the most efficient way, both in capturing and addressing the problems. In this sense, the professional incursion into one of the most common elimination disorders in childhood is important: enuresis; where Nursing professionals assume a specific role in the quality of life of children with enuresis and their families.

Under this perspective, it could be told than the language standardized of nurses, it grows from the need that nursing professionals have, to deploy a professional performance that make easy the organization of the practice of the care of the boys and girls with bed-wetting and his family of a systematic form and scientist. When constituting the most direct road to fulfill the problems of health of the boys and girls with bed-wetting in all of the spaces of the practice of a profession of the discipline of opportune form, dynamics and measurable [5]. Nursing professionals must assume the commitment to help children with enuresis and their families to face this problem from the mobilization and identification of personal and family forces and resources. The performance of Nursing professionals in relation to children with enuresis and their families, should be directed to access, review and rewrite their experiences. From the teachings lived by them, important messages about life and its meaning can be conceived.

That is why in the field of Mental Health the effectiveness of nursing performance is considered relevant. By stimulating the promotion of transpersonal teaching-learning in children with enuresis and their families.4 The performance of the Nursing professional should be focused on stimulating independence in children with enuresis and their families for the satisfaction of their fundamental needs, or in their ability to carry out their selfcare. When utilizing semantics standardized between the nursing professionals and give them the rest of the team of health, it enables the picking up and analysis of the information, the evaluation of cares makes easy, you favor the development of electronic systems of clinical information and of the electronic record of the user, significant information for the generation of organizational and public policies respect the cares of girls and children with bedwetting and his family, you make easy teaching and the overtaking clinical.

The standardized language is what holds Attention’s Process of Nurses, he as it is defined like: The system of Nurse’s practice that utilizes his opinions, knowledge and abilities to diagnose and to treat the customer’s answer to the real problems or potentials of health. The fact that Attention’s Process of Nurses becomes one of the most important sustenance’s is methodologies of professional nurse’s discipline for this reason, well-founded in the scientific method [6]. As from the context, the data and experiences appraise the problems of health like a situation of health themselves; problems that diagnoses him and accomplishes a revision of the theme based in the scientific proof itself come into question. Consequently, Attention’s Process of Nurses characterizes itself to be systematic, because it comes true sequentially, of a cyclic, periodic form, organized and controlled. The side of the obtaining of information gets her by means of assessment, next suffers through the diagnostic stages, planning, and execution and gets always through with the evaluation. It is an expeditious process , since the people’s needs are changing , they get better , they aggravate , they increase , they decrease , when disease , of the kind of need , depend on the context , of the situation of health what you take to that they forge for themselves several Attention’s Processes of Nurses for a same subject [7].

In their performance, the Nursing professional when providing care to boys and girls with enuresis, and their family must characterize the period that each boy or girl lives to keep in mind the characteristics of each stage, considering the full development and the great changes that are produce at each stage. All boys and girls with enuresis and their families do not experience the phenomenon in the same way, this is determined by social, economic and cultural factors. There are various ways to enhance and improve the health and well-being of individuals and populations. Whether in clinical practice, working with individuals and their families, through community development and support programs, national health initiatives and policies, or international commitments and agreements to improve access and quality of health care. As a consequence, it comes in handy, since it is utilized in a specific period of time, with a plan of care to cover up some punctual needs. It can get modified when evaluating myself or continuing according to the little taken care of boy’s evolution. The standardized languages represent concepts that describe the basic phenomena of them the fact that the nurse disciplines her is responsible. Along with the links between the concepts, they represent an important stage of the development of the theory nurse [8].

Although the Classification of the nursing Results contains results utilized frequently by nurses, in this phase of development the classification does not include all of the results that would be able to be important for the nurses. As nurses check results and utilize them in practice and in investigation, the need to include other results will be identified, and the published results can need a modification. Nurses’ ability to effect change is just as important as their technical ability to deliver safe and effective care. The exercise of professional leadership frames a series of collaborative processes that occur in families and communities and is related to social responsibility and leadership, which is linked to the professional and ethical responsibilities of nursing professionals regarding the human right to health. On the front line, Nursing professionals collaborate with children with enuresis and their families, empowering them so that they themselves can make positive changes; they also possess skills in the art of persuasion, a process that involves relationships and negotiation. Collaborative work within a multidisciplinary team of health professionals is just as important. Teamwork and interprofessional communication are essential to provide centered care for children with enuresis and their families. The focus of investigation embraced for this study utilizes in his practice proven to be standardized instead of objectives, is necessary to go aboard a great deals of these initial subjects and another key questions.

Throughout it before exposed authors the utilization of the three taxonomies considers of vital importance NANDA, Classification of the nursing Interventions and Classification of the nursing Results for the realization of this work leaning in the scientific method of the profession. The advantages of using this methodology guarantee autonomy and certainty in care.

Conclusions and Recommendations

What authors consider for pertinent to indicate advantages that you would propitiate to nurse’s professional performance in the care of girls and children with bed-wetting and his family, the utilization of this methodology in the quotidian practice:

• Make a contribution of information, when getting to unite the criteria used by all of the nursing professionals that dedicate themselves in care of girls and children with bed-wetting and his family.

• A form is of giving continuity to cares. When offering centralized information, the duplicity as well as the interruption of the nursing cares is avoided.

• A form is of guaranteeing the quality of cares, since a continued evaluation exists.

• It allows providing cares so much individualized like professional associations.

What results in a bigger satisfaction proves to be an important tool from the point of view of the professional performance, when allowing optimizing the assistance and available resources.


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