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ISSN: 2637-6695

Lupine Online Journal of Nursing & Health care

Research Article(ISSN: 2637-6695)

Professional Identity: A Conceptual Approximation

Volume 2 - Issue 4

Julia Esther Céspedes Acuña1*, Blanca Cut n Romero1 and Angel Luis Cintra Lugones2

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    • 1University of the East Santiago de Cuba, Cuba
    • 2Universidad de Oriente in Santiago de Cuba, Cuba

    *Corresponding author: Julia Esther Céspedes Acuña, University of the East Santiago de Cuba, Cuba

Received: January 17, 2020;   Published: January 29, 2020

DOI: 10.32474/LOJNHC.2020.02.000144

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It presents the construction of the theoretical foundations of the project “Pedagogical professional culture and Latin American and Cuban cultural identity”, which contributes, from its scope, to the improvement of the process of training education professionals, based on the formation of a pedagogical professional culture and the consolidation of Cuban and Latin American cultural identity from a fundamentally professional approach, which will affect the improvement of the quality of graduates pedagogical careers, the consolidation of the sense of belonging from the knowledge of Cuban and Latin American pedagogical traditions and cultural heritage, and consequently work in the educational institutions of the different educational studies, enhancing the school as the main cultural center of the community, and strengthening the integrationist processes in Latin America from the educational activity. The logic of the work proposes a partial result that is achieved as part of the systematization of scientific results related to the subject.


It is presented the construction of the theoretical foundations of the project pedagogic professional Culture and identity cultural Latin American and Cuban”, which contributes, from their reach, to the improvement of the process of professionals’ of the education formation, on the base of the formation of a pedagogic professional culture and the consolidation of the Cuban cultural identity and Latin American from a focus, fundamentally professional, that which will impact in the improvement of the quality of the egresados of the pedagogic careers, the consolidation of the sense of ownership starting from the knowledge of the traditions and the Cuban and Latin American pedagogic cultural patrimony, and consequently of the work in the educational institutions of the different educations, potenciando to the school like main cultural center of the community, and strengthening the processes integracionistas in Latin America from the educational activity. In the logic of the work he/she intends a partial result that it is reached like part of the systematizing of the scientific results related with the thematic one.

Keywords: Projects; Pedagogic Professional Culture; Cultural Identity

Abstract| Introduction| Materials and Methods| Results| Results| Discussion| References|