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ISSN: 2637-6695

Lupine Online Journal of Nursing & Health care

Research Article(ISSN: 2637-6695)

Community-Based Participatory Research for Nutrition and Health Programs in the Caribbean: Using the Delphi Process to Create Sustainable Outcomes

Volume 1 - Issue 2

Elizabeth D Wall-Bassett1*, Jacqueline Lancaster-Prevost2 and Marynese Titre2

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    • 1Associate Professor, School of Health Sciences, Western Carolina University, USA
    • 2Ministry of Health, Commonwealth of Dominica, Government Headquarters, Dominica

    *Corresponding author: Elizabeth D Wall-Bassett, PhD, RDN, Associate Professor, School of Health Sciences, Nutrition and Dietetics program, Western Carolina University, North Carolina, USA, 28723

Received: April 02, 2018;   Published: April 30, 2018

DOI: 10.32474/LOJNHC.2018.01.000106

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Background: A primary needs assessment was conducted in the Commonwealth of Dominica to determine priority areas of urgent intervention to improve health and nutrition while fostering knowledge and self-efficacy strategies.

Methods: The Delphi Method was employed to identify key areas for intervention. The main themes were sponsorship and support, community ownership, commitment of community and committee members to health and nutrition programs. Concerns which exist, or were perceived to exist at the community, household, or individual level were identified. During the first phase a Steering Committee composed of government officials and stakeholders in the Commonwealth of Dominica gathered to discuss health concerns. There were three rounds. During the third round, an Advisory Committee with a representative Community Health Aide from each health district was established and charged with acting as the intermediary to facilitate programs based on the suggestions brought forth from the Delphi process.

Results: During the final stage of the Delphi process the key areas identified for intervention were counseling techniques and alcohol abuse. The most ideal locations for interventions to be held were at local youth centers. Interactive media such a role plays, dramatizations and group discussion were reported as the best way to deliver future programs.

Conclusion: The Delphi Process in this study was effective at identifying themes related to health and nutrition concerns. This program set in motion sustainable initiatives that may be employed as a model for other Caribbean islands seeking to identify and prioritize themes for future health and nutrition intervention programs.

Keywords: Delphi; Community based participatory; Caribbean; Nutrition; Health; Socio-ecological model

Abstract| Introduction| Materials and Methods| Sampling| Data Analysis| Results| Discussion| Conclusion| Acknowledgement| References|