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ISSN: 2637-6695

Lupine Online Journal of Nursing & Health care

Review Article(ISSN: 2637-6695)

Ageism and Lifestyle Perceptions Encountered by Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, (LGB) Older Adults in Healthcare Systems: This is the Reality?

Volume 2 - Issue 1

Okpodi Julius*1 and Emmarex Okhakhu2

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    • 1Registered Social Worker and a PhD in Health Sciences with a research focus on breaking the inequalities and biases in healthcare provision
    • 2PhD in Organizations and Management with a focus on US and Canadian healthcare leadership, strategic optimization, and regulatory compliance

    *Corresponding author: Okpodi Julius, Registered Social Worker and a PhD in Health Sciences with a research focus on breaking the inequalities and biases in healthcare provision

Received: October 13, 2018;   Published: October 17, 2018

DOI: 10.32474/LOJNHC.2018.02.000126

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Researchers and practitioners of an aging world are increasing studying issues of the aged, the aging process, and the fears and worries of older adults. However, there are some studies that neglect to consider aging concerns and the identity of the lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) older adults. Ageism is one of the concerns; it is associated with stereotypes and prejudice against older adults. As LGB older adults continue to age, their needs for quality social and healthcare services will grow. This is the focus of this qualitative research. The data gathered from this research were interpreted through the lens of thematic analysis and were used to identify emerging themes. While participants’ narratives overlap and reinforce each other, thematic approach provides a way of understanding how LGB older adults construct meaning to their perceptions and experiences of services received within British Columbia Northern Health Authority boundaries. The findings from this research present multiple health and social issues begging for greater understanding and integration to support the LGB older adults living within the studied area. The findings also seek to identify perceived social inequalities, understand the problems caused by those inequalities, and construct meaning to rectify those inequalities. Further, the findings developed from this study allows for a deeper understanding of sexual minority older adults and the need for the field of gerontology to increase research on this population.

Keywords: LGB Older Adults; Ageism; Bed Blocking; Qualitative Research; Thematic Analysis

Abstract| Introduction| Discussions| Recommendations| Conclusion| References|