A Study to Evaluate the Effectiveness of
Planned Teaching Programme Regarding
Knowledge on Care of Old Age Health Problems Among
Family Members of Simikeri Village (Tal&Dist) Bagalkot
Volume 1 - Issue 4
Gundurao chilapur1, Chetan Patali2* and Suvarna S pinnapati3
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- 1Phd Scholar of Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, India
- 2,3Dhanush Institute of Nursing Sciences, India
*Corresponding author:
Chetan Patali, Dhanush Institute of Nursing Sciences, Bagalkot, Uganda
Received: June 21, 2018; Published: June 28, 2018
DOI: 10.32474/LOJNHC.2018.01.000117
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Background of the study
Ageing is a universal phenomenon old age is not in itself a disease but is a normal part of the human life span. Ageing is normal,
universal, progressive, irreversible process. It is an inevitable physiological phenomenon. The human life span follows a recognized
pattern birth to death. Then there is a gradual deterioration in physical and mental abilities. As the ageing process progress mental
capabilities such as memory and physical abilities further deteriorate. As the individual develops and matures socially and physically
from birth through adolescence and after the age of 30years additional changes occur that reflects normal decline in all organ
systems, then it is called senescence. This happens gradually throughout the body system reducing the viability of different body
systems and increasing their vulnerability to disease.
a) To assess the knowledge regarding old age health problems among the family members
b) To evaluate the effectiveness of planned teaching programme regarding old age health problems among the family members
c) To find out the association between pretest knowledge regarding old age health problems with selected socio demographic
Conceptual Frame Work
For the present study the conceptual frame work is used based on General systems theory by Ludwig Von Bertanlanffy.
This was quasi experimental study with 80 subjects were selected through simple random sampling technique. One group pretest
posttest design was used. Data was collected by means of structured interview schedule which was divided in to 2 sections (sociodemographic
data and knowledge regarding care of selected old age health problems among family members). The reliability of the
tool was established by Split Half method. The Karl Pearson’s coefficient of correlation r = 0.7999 Planned teaching programme on
care of selected old age health problems was developed. After content validity of the tool was established by six experts. Data was
analyzed by using descriptive and inferential statistical in terms of frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, student‘s test
It was proved that there was increase in the knowledge level of family members after implementing planned teaching programme,
thus planned teaching programme on care of selected old age health problems among family members was effective. Out of 80
subjects 42(52.50%) of subjects had inadequate, 31(38.75%) had satisfactory and 7(8.75%) had adequate knowledge regarding
care of selected old age health problems before teaching programme (pretest). However, after teaching programme (posttest) about
21(26.25%) subjects had adequate knowledge and 37(46.25%) satisfactory knowledge, whereas 22(27.50%) had inadequate
knowledge regarding care of selected old age health problems.
The study proved that planned teaching programme on care of selected old age health problems among family members was
scientific, logical and cost-effective strategy.
Keywords: Family members; care of selected old age health problems; planned teaching programme
Materials and Methods|
Assessment of Pretest and Posttest Knowledge Level|