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ISSN: 2641-1725

LOJ Medical Sciences

Research Article(ISSN: 2641-1725)

Prognosis Value of the Coma Glasgow and Four Scales in Patients with Severe Cranioencephalic Injury from Emergency Adults from the InstitutoAutonomo Hospital Universitario De Los Andes Merida Venezuela January - June 2018 Volume 5 - Issue 3

Camilo Estarling Cazorla Hernández*, Luis Andrés Dulcey Sarmiento, Jonathan Antonio Pineda Parada, Hector Alonso Moreno Parra, Jose Jorge SampayoZuletaCiro Alfonzo la Cruz

  • Hospital Universitario de los Andes NivelMezanina Internal Medicine Service, Venezuela

Received: August 12, 2020;   Published: August 21, 2020

*Corresponding author: Camilo EstarlingCazorla Hernández Hospital Universitario de los Andes NivelMezanina Internal Medicine Service,Mérida Venezuela

DOI: 10.32474/LOJMS.2020.05.000212

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Objectives: To establish the prognostic role of the Glasgow and FOUR coma scales in patients with severe cranioencephalic trauma of the adults emergency of the autonomous university hospital of the andesmeridavenezuela January - June 2018. Materials and Methods: Prospective, field and longitudinal cut. We selected those patients older than 18 years with a diagnosis of cranial encephalic trauma, the corresponding variables were evaluated in each patient of the sample.

Results: 56 patients 86.6% men and 13.4% women, the average age was 26.9 years, the largest age group corresponded to those under 35 years, 44 (79%), the traffic accidents were the the main cause of head brain trauma 49 (87%), cerebral edema was the main tomographic finding, all neurotomographic findings showed statistical significance. Total mortality was 12 (21%) patients out of 56. Neurosurgical interventions were performed in 8 patients with a mortality of 5 (62.5%), (p <0.001). The Glasgow score in the live group was 9 compared to 6 points in the deceased subgroup (p <0.001). The correlations between tests were D of Somers (0.89), Gamma (0.91) and Tau-b Kendall (0.86).

Conclusion: There was an adequate correlation between the scales, there being the advantage of the FOUR scale in being able to evaluate the stem reflexes.

Keywords: Craniocerebral trauma; mortality; brain tomography; glasgowscale; four scale

Abstract| Introduction| Objectives of The Study| Results| Analysis and Conclusion| Recommendations| References|