Flu Viruses Quinolines-Covid-19
Volume 5 - Issue 2
Krishnasarma pathy*
- IPL Research centre IndiaHead QC, QA
Received: June 02, 2020; Published: June 18, 2020
*Corresponding author: Krishnasarma pathy, IPL Research centre India Head QC, QA, India
DOI: 10.32474/LOJMS.2020.05.000208
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Firstly, COVID-19 and influenza viruses have a similar disease presentation. That is, they both cause respiratory disease,
which presents as a wide range of illness from asymptomatic or mild through to severe disease and death.Secondly, both viruses
are transmitted by contact, droplets and fomites. As a result, the same public health measures, such as hand hygiene and good
respiratory etiquette (coughing into your elbow or into a tissue and immediately disposing of the tissue), are important actions all
can take to prevent infection.Human H1N1 pandemic developed from the originally localized Mexican source early in the spring
2009. For the emergency created by the epidemic of « influence of the pigs » in Mexico it was correct not to create alarmismes
being victims of a bad information. Cytokine storm should be mentioned asone of the key pathogenic events contributing to the
overall mortality in substantial portion of patients. If active immunization is assumed to be preventive measure of proven efficacy,
clinicians are still in doubt how to treat a complicated course of infection. The possibility that the virus arrives in other parts of the
world is real as for all the types of influence virus. In order that a strain has a wide distribution, its antigenic characteristics must
ensure that it escapes the neutralization of antibodies of the host and of the surrounding population.
So the outbreaks will happen with those strains that have dominant antigens that fit the deficiency, or better, the abscences
of antibody in the population.It seems, in conclusion that the flu virus showes an ability and an aptitude for survival built on the
possibility of emergence of new models that allow the virus being confused easily through populations still partly immune to
previous antigenic forms. According to this view, the changes in the influenza A can be designed in single meaning, in the context
of a principle and of an evelutionary progress, from Burnet said immunological drift or steering immunology. The antiviral drugs
(inhibitors of the neuraminidasis, receptor of the virus surface) should be assumed within 48 hours by the appearance of the
influence symptoms and for the subjects that have had a close contact with people infected by the flu virus. The vaccination against
the influence is the most effective method to prevent the illness.
a. Neuraminidases inhibitors intake, which prevent adhering of viral capsid to the eukaryotic (e.g. Mammal or human) cell
membrane and„decoratingof RNA into cytosol. Different pharmaceuticalmarkets, with different rate of success, had experiences
with oseltamivir, zanamivir and peramivir, applied through several dosing regimes and routes of administration and consequently
choice of drug forms used,
b. Bacterial super infections antibiotics treatment, most commonly situated in lower respiratory tract, according to available
evidence-based guidelines on hospital acquired pneumonia management,
c. Low dose cortisol analogues are proper only with developed respiratory distress syndrome and together with
neuraminidasesinhibitor. High doses are not recommended even as adjuvant therapy and have neither proven efficacy nor
safety in this indication.
From the moment that we find the isolation of a new flu virus, we must wait for the preparation of a new specific vaccine that
will be ready for the next influence season in Autumn.
Keywords: COVID 19 Virus;influenza; flu; Avian; Swine flu