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ISSN: 2641-1725

LOJ Medical Sciences

Case Report(ISSN: 2641-1725)

Description of the Malaria Coinfection Dengue at Purpose of a Clinical Case Volume 4 - Issue 5

Luis Dulcey1*, Jonathan Pineda1, Hector Moreno1, Jose Sampayo1 and Raimondo Caltagirone2

  • 1Residents in Internal Medicine ULA, Venezuela
  • 2Specialist in Internal Medicine ULA Mérida, Venezuela

Received: February 07, 2020;   Published: February 19, 2020

*Corresponding author: Luis Dulcey, Residents in Internal Medicine ULA, University Hospital of the Andes Mérida, Avenue. 16 of September Service of Internal Medicine Mezzanine Level, Venezuela

DOI: 10.32474/LOJMS.2020.04.000199

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Introduction: Dengue and malaria coinfection involves different coexisting vectors and hosts maintaining contact with them or traveling to different geographical areas. The first dengue and malaria coinfection report was in 2005 in a French patient, with a history of travel to endemic areas of dengue and malaria, in whom P. falciparum and dengue serotype 3 were diagnosed.

Current disease and background: Male patient of 38 years of age and coming from the Pan-American zone, with no history, who at the beginning of February / 2018 presented generalized arthralgia’s as well as unquantified thermal increases of 3 weeks of evolution, 8 days prior to admission He presents multiple nausea, emetic episodes and abdominal pain, so he goes to our institution.

Physical examination: In stable general conditions. TA 90 / 50 FC104 x’, FR22 x’. Cardiopulmonary Without Alteration, Abdomen generalized pain. Neurological, preserved superior mental functions, preserved cranial nerves, V / V muscle strength in all 4 limbs. It required aggressive management with intravenous fluids. Thickness is confirmed confirming P. vivax infection and serology for Dengue virus type 2 being positive with confirmatory polymerase chain reaction.

Discussion and conclusions of the case: It has been described that the clinical presentation of dengue and malaria coinfection tends to be more severe than in single infections and that it presents with more frequent criteria of severe malaria. On the other hand, it has been observed that the clinical presentation of coinfection is similar to dengue and is imposed on the clinical presentation of malaria.

Keywords: Plasmodium; Coinfection; Dengue; Epidemiology

Abstract| Introduction| Case Presentation| Functional and Physical Exam| Discussion| Conclusion| References|