Study the Corrosion and Corrosion Protection of Brass
Sculpture by Atmospheric Pollutants in Winter Season
Volume 1 - Issue 3
Rajesh Kumar Singh* and Noor Alam
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- Department of Chemistry, J P University, India
*Corresponding author:
Rajesh Kumar Singh, Department of Chemistry, J P University, India
Received: March 08, 2019; Published: March 20, 2019
DOI: 10.32474/MAMS.2018.01.000111
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Brass is an important metalloid which is used in construction of sculptures. It is noticed that sculpture of brass is corroding due
to interaction of pollutants. The pollutants develop chemical and electrochemical reaction on the surface of base material. Their
concentrations of corrosive pollutants are increased in winter season. The air quality becomes very poor in winter season. Inside
sculpture different forms of corrosion are observed like galvanic, pitting, stress, crevice etc. The major components of pollutants are
oxides of carbon, oxides of nitrogen, oxides of sulphur, ammonia, ozone and particulates. Among these pollutants oxides of sulphur
and ammonia are major corroder of brass. Ammonia is observed moist air to form ammonium hydroxide. It produces chemical
reaction with brass metal and form complex compounds like [Zn(NH4)4](OH)2, [Zn(NH4)4]SO4, [Zn(NH4)]CO3, [Cu(NH4)4](OH)2,
[Cu(NH4)4]SO4, [Cu(NH4)]CO3 etc. Oxides of sulphur react with moist air to exhibit sulphurous and sulphuric acids. They interact
with brass to develop corrosion cell zinc metal and it is oxidized into Zn2+ ions and these ions are active to humidity and carbon
dioxide to yield Zn(OH)2.ZnCO3.2H2O. Copper is converted into Cu2+ and it reacts with moist air and carbon dioxide to produce
Cu(OH)2.Cu(CO3)2 and these complex compound detached on the surface of brass metal by rain water. These pollutants change their
physical, chemical and mechanical properties and they also tarnish their facial appearance. Brass’ sculpture is affected by uniform
corrosion. This type of corrosion can be control by nanocoating and electrospray techniques. For this work (6Z)-5,8-dihydrazono-
5,8-dibenzo[a,c][8]annulene and TiO2 are used as nanocoating and electrospray materials. The corrosion rate of material was
determined by gravimetric and potentiostat technique. The nanocoating and electrospray compounds are formed a composite
layer on surface of base metal. The formation of composite layer is analyzed by thermal parameters like activation energy, heat
of adsorption, free energy, enthalpy and entropy. These thermal parameters were calculated by Arrhenius, Langmuir isotherm
and transition state equations. Thermal parameters results are depicted that both materials are adhered with sculpture through
chemical bonding. The surface coverage area and coating efficiency indicates that nanocoating and electrospray are produced a
protective barrier in ammonia and sulphur dioxide atmosphere.
Keywords:Brass sculpture; Corrosion; Atmospheric pollutants; Nanocoating; Electrospray; Sulphur dioxide; Composite barrier
Results and Discussion|