Pelvic Trauma and Its Importance in the Treatment of
Patients With Multiple Injuries
Volume 1 - Issue 2
Francisco Eduardo Silva*
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- Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, South America
*Corresponding author:
Francisco Eduardo Silva, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rua Bolìvar, 54 apto 402 - Copacabana, Rio de Janeiro,
Brazil, South America
Received: December 19, 2017; Published: January 18, 2018
DOI: 10.32474/IGWHC.2018.01.000108
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The importance of identifying and treating pelvic trauma is due
to the fact that it presents about 3% of all skeletal injuries with an
overall mortality ranging from 5 to 16% of patients with multiples
injuries. The mortality rate of patients with hemodynamic
instability due to severe fracture of pelvic bones may reach up to
40-60%, despite an effective multidisciplinary treatment approach.
The unstable fracture of the pelvic ring is predominantly caused
by closed trauma with high kinetic energy and is associated with
a high risk of mortality. Many cases of closed pelvic trauma with
high kinetic energy may present a high risk of associated lesions
that influence the final outcome in mortality causing impact on
the survival rates of these patients [1,2]. Some risk factors are
associated with the severity of pelvic trauma such as osteoporosis,
smoking, previous hysterectomy, patients over 60 years old, and
patients tending to fall from one’s height. Lesions associated with
bleeding are almost always venous in origin and will require blood