Morphological Justification for Simultaneous Correction
of Chronic Disorders of Duodenal Patency and Failure
Bauhinias Flap in the Prevention of Guidance in the
Esophagus and Stomach
Volume 2 - Issue 2
Vladimir Leonidovich Martynov*
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- Headquarters of the State Educational Establishment of the City of Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
*Corresponding author:
Martynov VL, Headquarters of the State, Educational Establishment of the City of Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
Received:March 22, 2019; Published: March 29, 2019
DOI: 10.32474/CTGH.2018.02.000134
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In 37 patients under NBZ and HNDP conditions, 158 biopsy samples were taken from the esophagus SB (N = 29), cardial
section of the stomach (N = 20), fundus of the stomach (N = 36), antrum (N = 36), with endoscopic examination. 12 - PC (N = 37).
The morphological study revealed inflammatory changes in the mucous membrane of the upper digestive tract in all patients, its
superficial inflammation was determined only in 29 preparations, diffuse inflammation (on all layers of the mucous membrane) - in
129 biopsies (82%), the active stage of inflammation - in 102 (65 %), atrophy - in 6, erosion - in 1 case. The obtained data reveal
significant morphological changes in the mucous membrane of the digestive tract in conditions of reflux disease. A morphological
analysis of the state of the mucous membrane of the esophagus, stomach, and 12-PC, performed in 12 patients before and after
surgery, confirms the normalizing effect of PD in combination with DES, as the most adequate surgical tool for treating RB, on the
indicated gastrointestinal sections.
Keywords: Chronic Violation of Duodenal Permeability; Failure of the Bauhinia Valve; Morphological Changes in the Mucous
Membrane of the Esophagus and Stomach in Conditions Of Reflux Disease; Surgery of Reflux Disease; Prevention of Cancer of the
Esophagus and Stomach