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ISSN: 2641-1652

Current Trends in Gastroenterology and Hepatology

Short Communication(ISSN: 2641-1652)

Bariatric Surgery and Pregnancy

Volume 1 - Issue 2

Mohamed Nabih EL Gharib*

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    • Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Tanta University, Egypt

    *Corresponding author: Mohamed Nabih EL Gharib, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Faculty of Medicine, Tanta University, Egypt

Received: June 14, 2018;   Published: June 21, 2018

DOI: 10.32474/CTGH.2018.01.000108

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Obesity represents a dangerous public health concern all over the universe. The World Health Organization suggests that, by 2015, approximately 2.3 billion adults will be overweight and more than 700 million will be obese [1]. Prevalence of obesity continues to rise and obesity has become the second leading cause of death in the West [2]. Obesity is associated with numerous comorbidities affecting virtually every organ system, including hypertension, type II diabetes mellitus, coronary artery disease, dyslipidemia, certain cancers, and ultimately increased mortality [3]. Obese women of reproductive age are a specific group at risk for a host of obesityrelated reproductive and obstetric complications, such as infertility, early miscarriage, gestational hypertension and diabetes mellitus, pre-eclampsia, preterm birth, and intrauterine fetal demise [4].

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