Attempt to Characterize Street Pharmaceutical
Teachers Abusing Drugs and Aspect of Allergy Among
Adult Men Attending Long Distance Institutions in
Pune, India
Volume 1 - Issue 4
Rahul Hajare*
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- Indian Council of Medical Research, India
*Corresponding author:
Rahul Hajare, Adjuvant Professor Shikshan Vikas Mandal Trust, Indian Council of Medical Research, New
Delhi, India
Received: September 25, 2018; Published: October 01, 2018
DOI: 10.32474/CTGH.2018.01.000118
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In the India like all nations, drug abuse is seen as a social and health problem that has many serious implications for the physical,
social, psychological and intellectual development of the victims more especially, the teaching Staffs. Therefore, it continues to
be a concern to families, community leaders, educators, social workers, health care professionals, academics, government and its
development partners. Though there some studies on drug abuse, there is none on teaching staffs and drug abuse focusing on the
street teaching staffs the most vulnerable category. Street teaching staffs care hypothesized to be more at risk of any epidemic
including drug abuse. This study sought to determine the risk and prevalence of drug abuse among street teaching staffs focusing
on those in the car parks. The research was focused on six critical areas: knowledge of drug abuse, perception towards it, knowledge
of the causes, knowledge of negative impacts of it, knowledge of the preventive methods; and knowledge of the support services
needed by abusers. A structured questionnaire was used to collect the data from thirty-five participants (i.e. one driver and six casual
apprentices from each of the five car parks) were interviewed. The data was presented and analyzed using tables and percentage.
The findings revealed among others, that there is high level of awareness of drug abuse but the feeling towards it is mixed. Like other
teaching staffs, street teaching staffs are abusing drugs mainly due to peer influence with the ultimate objective of getting high to
relief stress, group recognition, trusted by peers, etc. Similarly, participants are highly aware of the negative impacts encompassing
fighting, stealing, mental illness, etc. To finance the behavior, victims are engaged in all types of dangerous antisocial behavior
including romantic ones exposing them to a range of diseases including, obesity, diabetes, ageing, epigenetic, window STIs and
window HIV/AIDS. Ghutaka is the most commonly abused drug. Though in the minority, some have started experimenting cocaine/
coke. While participants have good knowledge of the critical methods to fight drug abuse, the support services needed by victims,
victims are mostly reluctant to seek the services not only because they are hard to find but fear societal stigmatization, exclusion
and discrimination and professionals’ maltreatments.
Keywords: Drugs; Abuse; Street Teaching Staffs; Casual Van Apprentice; And Commercial Van Driver Role
Executive Summary Single time itching reduces the inches of verified profile of human health. Traditionally proverb. Many illnesses including
degeneration have a result of inadequate sanitation. The systems for taking dirty water and other low standard products away from
institutions in order to protect teaching staff’s health. Immunity brought many unconventional yet meets wisdom. Any diseases can
be detected by our self-examination, that can a best examination ever or other screening measures before the symptoms become
serious. Most cases have detected and diagnosed when other symptoms develop or developing. There are more than 10000 types
of autoimmune diseases including breast cancer, skin cancer, lung cancer, colon cancer, prostate cancer, itching and lymphoma.
Symptoms vary depending on the type and strength. Immunity can natural transition that club of biomedical changes that seen in
human body progress. It can an early begin research topic that has been traditionally treated with force of attraction. Medically with
a fairly low level of success and does not address the most significant result, which include depression, sign of fearness, poignant,
barking and insomnia. Medicine has been shown in preliminary studies to address and treat specific symptoms of human lupus.
Some studies show a significant improvement in symptoms compared to that of family history; however, these studies need to be
reproduced on a larger scale to influence the medical community that has not familiar with therapy.
Area of Study|
Summary and Conclusion|