Mathematical Substantiation of the Rational
Package (Bag) of Fully-Formed Fur ArticlesWith
Content of Polymer Composition
Volume 2 - Issue 3
ZA Sobirova* and SShTashpulatov
Author Information
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- Doctor of technical sciences, Tashkent Institute of Textile and Light Industry, Uzbekistan
*Corresponding author:
Hamidovich KMV, Tashkent Institute of Textile and Light Industry Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Received: June 19, 2018; Published: June 27, 2018
DOI: 10.32474/LTTFD.2018.02.000139
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The article presents the results of experimental studies on the mathematical substantiation of the use of polymer compositions,
which provides the specified form stability and reliability, meeting the modern requirements of industrial production, the efficiency
of their use in production conditions. In this case, the processing of all-seamed details of garments made from natural fur with the
subsequent obtaining of a given shape by using the deformation properties of natural raw materials. Also, studies were carried out
on the rational location of local areas of application of the polymer composition, taking into account the deformation features of
the fur semi-finished product. As a result of the research, recommendations were given on the use of the proposed reinforcement
options and the methods of the all-molded package of the product using a polymer composition, which makes it possible to improve
the quality and shape stability of the garment components and the economic efficiency of production.
Keywords: Polymer Compositions; Deformation Properties; Shape Stability; Natural Fur; Whole-Molded Products; Relaxation;
Reliability of Results; Resource-Saving
Objects and Methods of Research|
Results and Discussion|