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ISSN: 2637-4595

Latest Trends in Textile and Fashion Designing

Research Article(ISSN: 2637-4595)

“Architecture and Fashion”: Something in Common

Volume 3 - Issue 1

Yasser Osman El-Gammal*

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    • Permanent Faculty, Architectural Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Egypt

    *Corresponding author: Yasser O El-Gammal, Permanent Faculty, Architectural Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Egypt

Received: October 05, 2018;   Published: November 01, 2018

DOI: 10.32474/LTTFD.2018.02.000152

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“Architecture and Fashion - Something in Common”, is exploring the parallels between one of the most two influential fields in the creative design industry; which are “Architecture” and “Fashion”. The purpose of the research work introduced in this paper is to find the common elements between architecture and fashion. “Design” and “Creativity” are major common elements between architecture and fashion, where both fields involves; imagination, art, visualization, creativity, and skill. On the other hand, architects develop a variety of creative design skills during their undergraduate studies in addition to learning their major in “Architecture”, such diversity of skills expands the realm of their job market, so that those who did not manage to find jobs in their field of major as architects may be able to find jobs in fields where they have developed creative design skills, during their undergraduate years of study2. The paper is aiming towards integrating learning fashion design principles as part of the undergraduate architecture syllabus, which in turn may facilitate numerous job opportunities for architects quitting their major field of study but still wish to work in the fashion industry which is a field where they can express and practice their creative design skills. Research introduced in this paper found that most famous and influential fashion designers were architects before they switched to fashion design, it was also found that there were many fashion designers who made architecture designs and great buildings, similarly, many famous and influential architects made great fashion designs.

Keywords: Fashion and Architecture; Fashion Architect; Fashion Designers; Architectural Fashion; Building Fashion

Abstract| Problem| Research Goal| Methodology| Discussion| Conclusion| Recommendations| References|