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ISSN: 2641-6794

Open Access Journal of Environmental & Soil Science

Review Article(ISSN: 2641-6794)

Soil, Water, Air, Plant, Animals and Humans: What is the Environment?

Volume 2 - Issue 4

Ernest A Fongwa*

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    • Process-Integrated-Sustainability-Orientation (Piso) Institute, Stuttgart, Germany

    *Corresponding author:Ernest A Fongwa, Process-Integrated-Sustainability-Orientation (Piso) Institute, Stuttgart, Germany

Received: April 08, 2019;   Published: April 22, 2019

DOI: 10.32474/OAJESS.2019.02.000143

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The word environment has been an illusion within many people in societies from years to years, especially media and policy directions extending it wrong understanding all over, making it difficult for measures on environmental protection to hold effective and efficient grounds. For instance, efforts to fight against climate change, land degradation and desertification had not achieved effective outcomes. This paper drew some insights from the dictionary and Wikipedia as the basic point and uses many different research studies to argue that the environment is a “state” of the earth surface within ecosystems, which changes with time. It reviews my research studies from many landscape monitoring assessments of Ecosystem Services (ES) to justify that soil, water, air, plant, animals and humans are agents (multi-agents) of the earth surface within ecosystems that interact to determine the state known as the environment, which through this process transformations take place to form the different materials and substances that are found on the earth surface.

This means understanding really what the environment is will lead to the provision of measures that continuously support environmental balancing of the multi agents on the earth surface with ecosystems and promoting sustainable consumption. These will support that targets for environmental protection, the fight against climate change, land degradation and desertification are being achieved. But efforts to achieve sustainable consumption will also require a proper understanding of the natural environment and its functionalities base on the ES within ecosystems to design sustainability eco-patterns for transformation of the multi agents’ interactions on the earth surface to meet human needs. This means, it is necessary to support research studies on bioprospecting requiring different cooperation. Bioprospecting will lead to the discovery of new organism, substances and materials to support human needs, thereby paving the way to more eco-production and cycle economies for sustainability. Therefore, to encourage environmental sustainability, the functional relationships of multi agents’ interactions within ecosystems must be well known for effective and efficient protection measures requiring proper knowledge of the connections between the earth surface and the environment (state).

Keywords:Multi Agents; Interactions; Ecosystems; Ecosystem Services (Es); Bioprospecting

Abstract| Introduction| Methodology| Reviews of Outcomes from Ecosystem Monitoring Research Projects| Conclusion| References|