“Thou seest I have more flesh than another man and therefore
more frailty” -William Shakespeare
Diabesity and obesity term was coined by- Ziv& Shafrir. WHO
called it a 21st century pandemic. Obesity is a Chronic disorder of
excessive body fat when BMI >=30kg/m2Prevalence- 15% to30%
in Europe in adults. BMI- independent of body height &correlates
well with body fat mass. 2/3rd of women – obese at diagnosis of
T2DM.EPIC Post dam cohort study- weight gain of 1 BMI unit
increases risk of T2DM by 25%(25-40 yrs.). Over nutrition & hyper
glycemia in pregnancy-foetal hyper insulinemia, hyper leptinemia–
persistent malfunctioning of hypothalamic centres controlling
energy homoeostasis & metabolism– lifetime risk for obesity
COLA CULTURE of the day has ready availability of highly
palatable energy dense low-cost food and sweetened beverages
and aggressive commercial food production, work from home, low
physical activity are all responsible for Diabesity. FFA can directly
inhibit insulin action. Intramyocellular lipid accumulation leads
to insulin resistance. Intra-abdominal fat cells –lipolytically more
active than subcutaneous fat and have greater accumulation of
lymphocytes and macrophages-more pro inflammatory substances.
Visceral adipose tissue directly drains into the portal vein & thus
the liver is directly exposed to FA. Proteins released from this active
fat depot promotes insulin resistance.
Difficult to treat Diabesity than Obesity alone. Energy
expenditure decreases with age. Focus more on blood glucose
level only. Recent meta-analysis- low carb, low glycaemic
index, Mediterranean and high protein diet should be with the
DCCT trial showed intensified Insulin therapy leads to wt. gain
while UKPDS trial showed an Insulin t/t- 7 kg wt. gain over 12 yrs.
of t/t. SU- glibenclamide showed a 5 kg wt. gain in UKPDS while
Glitazones led to a weight gain of 4-5 kg wt. gain in subcutaneous
fat. Metformin & Alfa glucosidase inhibitors users and moderate
wt. loss.DPP-4 inhibitors- wt. neutral.GLP1RA showed exenatide/
liraglutide/dulaglutide-substantial wt loss.2-3 kg wt loss due to
urinary loss of glucose was seen in SGLT2 Inhibitors. Bariatric
Surgery is recommended in the treatment diabesity when
T2DMwith BMI => 35kg/m2. To conclude obesity is most important
risk factor for developing T2DM. Ectopic fat distribution. Weight
management is central component of treatment of Diabesity.
Low energy, high protein Mediterranean diet with increased
physical activity should be the main principle in the management
of Diabesity. The easy avaliability of tinned food and canned and
bottled beverages promoted by the government should be looked
into for contributing to increased incidence of Diabesity.