Depression‐Level Effectiveness of the Curse Words
in Young Adults in Pune University
Volume 1 - Issue 2
Rahul A Hajare*
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- Department of Health Research Indian Council of Medical Research, India
*Corresponding author:
Rahul A Hajare, ICMR Post Doc, Indian Council of Medical Research, New Delhi, India
Received: June 01, 2018; Published: June 11, 2018
DOI: 10.32474/ADO.2018.01.000107
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Depression and substance abuse has on the increase all over the world. The poor and the rich are also involved in this dangerous
habit that has impact not only on reproductive health but also has an impact on family, society, increase in health care expense
and increased criminal activity. Health care providers have more concerned with treating the victims and less concerned on its
prevention. Pregnant women bear a greater brunt and there has adverse pregnancy outcome. Low birth weight, preterm labour,
increased in miscarriage and raised perinatal mortality has some of the adverse effects. Children of such parents have more likely
to inherit this bad trait. Children living in abusive homes where drugs and alcohol abuse occur simultaneously has often deprived
of more than just the basics of food and shelter. Depression has, any act on the part of the husband, partner or family which causes
physical, mental, social or psychological trauma to the woman and prevent shier from developing her personality. Reason for the
increase in depression violence has; urbanization, industrialization, growth of urban slums, co-education and co-working in offices
and factories, modern movies, television, obscene and pornographic literature and decreasing religious restrictions.
Keywords: Cursing; Depression; Anger; Young adults; Curse words abuse
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