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ISSN: 2637-4749

Concepts of Dairy & Veterinary Sciences

Mini Review(ISSN: 2637-4749)

The Effect of the Application of a Ruminal Activator (VITAFERT) in The First Phase of the Lactation Curve and its Influence on the Bromatological Quality of Milk

Volume 3 - Issue 2

García López R1*, Elías A1, Ariannys León2, Delfín Gutierrez1 and María Rosa González Medina1

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    • 1Institute of Animal Science, Mayabeque, Cuba
    • 2UNAH, Mayabeque, Cuba

    *Corresponding author: García López R, Institute of Animal Science, Mayabeque, Cuba

Received: January 10, 2020;   Published: January 17, 2020

DOI: 10.32474/CDVS.2020.03.000159

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A total of 46 milking cows (animals in production) were selected, with a live weight of 454kg in their third lactation. Production at the beginning of the experiment was 11.3 liters/day, the animals were under the same driving conditions, the main food base was the star grass (Cynodon nlemfuensis) and a load of 2 cows/ha with a rotation period of 35 days. The animals were distributed in two groups by treatment (23 with Norgold and 23 with VITAFERT), each group was formed with animals from 10 to 100 days of lactation distributed in two treatments. Treatment 1: Norgold per cow per day. Treatment 2: 1.65kg of Norgold and 2 liters of VITAFERT (4.4ml/kg body) per cow per day. The objective of this work is 3,4kg to determine the effect of the application of the ruminal activator on the production and bromatological quality of milk. Consumption of VITAFERT significantly improved milk production in dairy cows from 10 to 100 days of lactation. The use of VITAFERT as a ruminal activator increases milk production and some dairy components. The supplement with VITAFERT is an estimated saving of imported (concentrated) foods and improved their use. It is recommended to include THE VITAFERT in the feeding of dairy cows as a way to increase milk production, favoring a partial substitution of the concentrate. Continue long-term studies on the effect of VITAFERT (ruminal activator) on dairy cow production indicators

Keywords: Dairy cows, milk quality, ruminal activator, (VITAFERT)

Abstract| Introduction| Materials and Methods| Results and Discussion| Cost Analysis| Conclusion| References|