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ISSN: 2637-4749

Concepts of Dairy & Veterinary Sciences

Review Article(ISSN: 2637-4749)

Compositional and Technological Properties of Goat Milk and Milk Products A Review

Volume 3 - Issue 3

Almaz Genene Tafes*

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    • Ethiopian Meat and Dairy Industry Development Institute, Ethiopia

    *Corresponding author: Almaz Genene Tafes, Ethiopian Meat and Dairy Industry Development Institute, Ethiopia

Received: January 03, 2020;   Published: January 23, 2020

DOI: 10.32474/CDVS.2020.03.000161

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These review work summaries significant information from different scientific literatures with the objectives of assessing compositional and technological properties of goat milk and milk product. Goats (Capra hircus) were a domestic animal that have unique adaptation abilities to harsh environmental conditions. Goats are multipurpose animals especial their milk has a particular functional and technological advantages. Fresh goat milk is white, opaque, a slightly sweet taste and alkaline in nature. It exhibited lower ethanol stability than bovine milk during alcohol test. Average milk protein content is higher than bovine milk but similar casein fraction of S1, S2, β and κ-casein form which the αs1-casein level is lower and κ-casein is approximately equal but β-casein level is higher than bovine casein. Goat milk fat has smaller fat globules, lacks ‘agglutinin’, contain higher short- and medium-chain fatty acids. The lactose is slightly less than bovine milk. The goat milk has higher iron bioavailability and contain higher calcium, phosphorus, potassium magnesium, chlorine, vitamins B, and vitamin A but lower sodium, sulfur and vitamin E. Goat milk is considered as “functional and nutraceutical drink” since it rich in bioactive components, superior digestibility medicinal property for many disease and lower allergenic properties. Various dairy goat products were produced in many countries including fluid, fermented especially cheeses and yogurt, frozen, condensed and powder milk from which cheese is highly marketable goat milk product.

Keywords: Goat, Milk, Composition, Milk Products

Abstract| Introduction| Physical Chemical Property of Goat Milk| Conclusion| Acknowledgment| References|